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Rescue Cat Again

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lindylou16 | 10:17 Tue 28th Nov 2023 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers

Having had her now for a little over two week, although she doesn't scratch with herself more than usual, and there are no other animals in the house, should I treat her with a flea protection as a precaution



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Yes, even if she never goes out. 

In our many years experience, over the counter flea remedies are rarely potent enough.

I would go to the vet and get some that you dab at the back of the neck, there are various brands, Frontline Spot On for instance, and get her wormed at the same time for peace of nind.

Did you get her from a rescue charity? They will usually treat for fleas, worms and such...along with neutering. If so, you should ask when it was done...or it might be on her paperwork. They would have chipped her too...thats very important. 

I agree with earlier posters. Flea treatment, worm treatment and microchipping. I believe you said she will be allowed out at some point so if she hasn't been spayed that's on the list too,not only to prevent pregnancy but it helps to prevent mammary cancer. 

Don't buy a cheap over the counter remedy which could harm your cat or even not work.  Please please  pay for a prescription from your vet for Advocate, then buy from somewhere online like Animed, they will need to see a copy of the prescription,  a pack of six, use every six weeks on back of neck ( he might not like it ...) it should save you £10-£15 rather than buying Advocate direct from the vet. And every three months get a worm tablet from your vet called Milbemax.  Good luck.  

I'm going to disagree wth Smurfchops here.  (Sorry, Smurfchops!).

I've tried prescription flea treatments from the vet but
(a) that means taking to the surgery at least once a year, which absolutely terrifies my cats ; and
(b) getting the stuff onto their necks is an absolute nightmare.  (I typically need a fortnight of chasing, and thus scaring, a cat every day before I can apply it).

The spot-on stuff from pharmacies is no better in terms of actually applying it.

I've found that tablets containing Nitenpyram, which are widely sold in supermarkets and pet supply stores, are the answer to all my prayers.  I simply cook some chicken, chop it into small pieces and then apply a dusting of crushed tablets over the top.  It's 100% effective and, unlike the prescription treatments (where you can't reapply them within 4 weeks, even if fleas are starting to reappear), it can be topped up at any time.

Both Johnson's
and Bob Martin
make such tablets.

However I do agree with others that using flea treatment on a cat that's currently only living indoors is still a good idea.

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Thx again all, so many mixed/opposing views but thx to all. Watch this space

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