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Can you give me a definition of the implied term theory, in relation to the doctrine of frustration? (Contract law)
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'The Doctrine of Notice now plays a much smaller role in relation to unregistered land than it did before 1925. In registered landm it plays no part at all - not even with regard to the rights of...
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hi everyone, we have been given a 2000 word essay on the topic of diceys doctrine. the question is: "‘The classic account given by Dicey of the doctrine of the supremacy of Parliament, pure and...
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I just don't get this idea of eternal life. What is the 'POINT' of having eternal life? Whether its living forever on a paradise Earth (JW doctrine), living forever in heaven (Christian doctrine),...
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Would like to hear the Theists side of this question. When I was an evangelical christian, I was told that suicide was a sin worthy of eternal torment. I could never get my head around this doctrine....
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8d Trouble making sextet Half a dozen is a sextet, but why is it trouble-making? 17a Left wingers for instance spouting Marxist doctrine Ism is a doctrine, but I can't explain the rest of the clue...
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Some religions ( and some R&S posters) postulate that hell is a just and final destination for unbelievers. Apart from the obvious (eternal punishment for finite sins is unjust) can anyone conceive of...
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12d Doctrine lacking latitude and interest (4) ?E?O (with explanation please as I assume doctrine is credo but can't see why REDO, if that is the solution)
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After reading a few comments lately about the Jedi as a religion, could this be the religion of the future. I would never accept it or subscribe to it but it does look far more realistic than any...
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I have often wondered about the stance Catholics take over doctrine laid down by their church if that doctrine changes. Should the Holy Father decide, for example, that the bodily assumption into...
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The Act of Union, 1800, uniting Great Britain and Ireland stated"that it be the fifth Article of Union, that the Churches of England and Ireland, as now by law established, be united into one...
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 Please help with parsing of 23 across.Clue is: POlitical doctrine involving Macron in vest with switch of direction.12 letters.I have ?O?S?R?A?I?M.The answer must be conservatism.I thought it was... ...
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R&S Seems to be pretty vacant nowadays. Lets revive it a bit... Hell! How can it be justified? ETERNAL torment for finite sins? How does that work? How could I ever be happy in heaven, knowing that my...
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Good morning, an intricate bit of solving! I'm stumped by the following for which I would appreciate some hints. Thanks in advance! (Preamble: Puzzle 26 is 6A 18 40 1A 27 40 6A 41 6A 37 40 24 10 40...
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But please, Just one Christian/Religionist here, Please explain to me the doctrine of eternal torment. I dont care what your belief is. Catholic, Muslim, Protestant, Evangelical or otherwise.. How on...
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Jardine’s leg doctrine (6) t-e-r-...
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// On the above thread, Khandro accuses me of been 'inane' //neveracrossword: You accuse locusts of not 'debating &...
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5d. Lion, say, given fruit within courtyard (is it QUADRUPED) 6d. Making progress with a sound, involving third vehicle (is it ADVANCING) 12a. Liberal doctrine of ITN series (is it BROAD CHURCH) 17d....
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The Lie That Made God Cruel What Has Happened to Hellfire ???? WHAT image does the word “hell” conjure up in your mind ???? The Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica observed: “Hell exists, not as a...
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COTW Left wingers for instance spouting Marxist doctrine (3). Some play on red?

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Child sex grooming gangs STILL cast a shadow over Rotherham. When will we get some law and order?  When will Police do the job they are paid... ...
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Wars famines earthquakes which was predicted in the holy writings
       2 Peter .2:9  Luk.21:26.People will become faint out of fear 
        Mt 24:22     RE .19.15, 
 And nother earthquake bigger -... ...
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... is it at least a 90° one?   😃 ...
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... is it at least a 90° one?   😃 ...
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... is it at least a 90° one?   😃 ...
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Wars famines earthquakes which was predicted in the holy writings
       2 Peter .2:9  Luk.21:26.People will become faint out of fear 
        Mt 24:22     RE .19.15, 
 And nother earthquake bigger -... ...
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As predicted, Tony stood in front of the cameras denouncing any attempt by anyone to 'give the terrorists an inch' in suggesting the Iraq war provided justification for suicide bombers. Am I the only...
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Is anyone here a christian?
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The CofE are considering taking the word Father from the Lords Prayer
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Are there best before dates on Holy Communion wafer packets? Catholics believe in transubstantiation i.e that really IS the flesh and blood of Christ (not just a representation of it). So is it 2000...
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rehabilitated, those say who languish in our prisons....
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When a building developer demolishes a single property and erects several new properties on the site does the Building Control dept of the Local Authority have a duty of care to ensure all old foul...
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The pontiff said religions had to be treated with respect, so that people's faiths were not insulted or ridiculed. Do you agree?...
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Yesterday, I was out walking when I noticed a lot of people around the estate. They were Jehovah's Witnesses. Having engaged in conversation I had a leaflet advertising a website JW.Org. From the...
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Faith vs Religion . Can you really believe in one to the exclusion of the other ?
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While most people want to hear the truth in such matters, it is a sad fact that when it comes to even more important matters dealing with life and death, with one’s relationship to God, and with...
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I proposed assassinating Assad right at the start of the Syrian Civil War. I usually suggest targeting the leader and their ministers of problem countries - such as Saddam Hussein in 1991. However, a...
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my posts on another thread suggested this question to me.

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Who was John Wycliff

A. John Wycliff (also spelled Wycliffe) was a religious reformer, Bible translator and a cleric used by the King to attack the Pope. Q. How did this all come about A. Wycliff, born in01:00 Mon 15th Oct 2001

Return of the Tabot

Q. The what A. A Tabot is a carved wooden tablet representing the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopian churches. It is the most holy part of the church, seen only by the priests. The Tabot in question -01:00 Mon 04th Feb 2002

What was the Czechoslovakian Coup

A. The moment, in February, 1948, when the Communists took over all of Eastern Europe. Q. Background A. The Soviet army began to occupy Eastern Europe in 1944 after the Nazis fled. The area01:00 Mon 14th Jan 2002


Q. What's an 'ism' A. The suffix -ism made its way into English from the French -isme, itself derived from the Latin -ismus, and it's used to denote a characteristic, a tendency or a syndrome.01:00 Fri 11th Jan 2002

What's a Mormon smile

Joseph Smith, Founder of the Church of Jesus and the Latter-day SaintsA. Their vest. Thanks to DOUBRIS for the question. Q. Vest A. Yup. All Mormons - members of the Church of Jesus and the01:00 Mon 21st May 2001

Who were the Templars, and why were they tried for heresy

A. This is a sad story of religion, power and politics. I shall try to unravel it for the questioner, Tangle. First, two definitions. A Templar, sometimes called a Knight Templar, was a member of a01:00 Mon 14th May 2001

Who was St Patrick

A. Thanks to Deiter for the question. Patrick was born in Banwen, Wales and kidnapped and sold in Ireland as a slave. He became fluent in the Irish language before escaping to Gaul where he studied01:00 Thu 15th Mar 2001

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