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Headless Rat
I know it's not the best thing to do, but does anyone have any tips on how to lose some weight really quickly?Have to lose a bit by Saturday week!!Will try to do it in a healthier way after that...
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I want to lose weight. How can I motivate myself to do two hours of cardio every day?
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how can i lose weight on my tummy. every person i have met this week has thought im pregnant, i can assure you im not, my tummy is bloated and fat, i have IBS could that be the cause, i am a stone...
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how can i lose weight on my tummy. every person i have met this week has thought im pregnant, i can assure you im not, my tummy is bloated and fat, i have IBS could that be the cause, i am a stone...
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ive been really down resently about my weight. i lose half a stone in a week a while ago adn i want to do it again. i feel so fat and ugly. i know some of you will say it doesnt matter whats on the...
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This will probably seem like a daft question (I'm prepared for the usual comments) but I'm interested to know if there is something I can take or drink that will make my actual stomach (internal)...
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can anyone give me any tips on how to lose weight ? i have cut out most things like fats ,sugars ect eating less iam 58 and over weight by about 2st my gp just tells me not to worry but i do ,i try to...
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I have an elliptical strider (crosstrainer) that I do 20 minutes on a day. However, this does not seem to be making a difference in my weight so I wonder what the recommended time a day (how long to...
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I am going travelling in a couple of weeks and am desperate to shift as many last minute pounds as possible. I am willing to try anything, no matter how unhealthy or unsustainable and will exercise as...
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Recently I have given up alcohol completely after it was taking over my life and I was drinking 6 bottles a week!! (I have had a very bad year) The main incentive is for me to lose weight as I have a...
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I hava a 10 year old son that weighs 110ILB and he wants to lose weight. He does swimming 2-3 times a week and karate once a week. I also found "Slim in 6" which he dose 3-6 times a week....
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Hello everyone, I am Christzelle and my body is so bulky and un shaped . My friends always call me fatty at that time i feel very embarrassing . I want to lose weight but i don't want to do any kind...
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i have bulimia. i binge and purge 1-2 times a day. at some point i stopped but a week later i started again. im 59 kg and really want to lose another 10kg. my mum is constantly telling me that she...
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How much exercise would you have to do a week to lose a pound , every week, without altering your calorie intake whatsoever?
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Hi I am 17 years old and am just trying to lose some weight which I seem to have put on over the last year. I have had a look at diets etc on the web but I am a fussy eater and have not seen any which...
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Hi i am going on holiday next month, and would like some tips on how to lose a bit of weight quickly. i have tried search engines but im getting so confused with all the different ways there is to...
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I need to lose weight and fast. I am a bridesmaid in 6 weeks time, the dress was bought last year, I've gained weight and now it doesn't fit. How can I lose as mush weight as possable in such a short...
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i'm trying to lose weight from the stomach area. at the beginning of last year i managed to lose almost 2 stone just through eating healthier and exercising (bit of cycling, running, football, etc)...

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