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19/26 Down Ok now...every u-turn will phrase it in this uncertain way: (3,5,4) You ???E? ??O? Thanks...
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1d how one deciphers the answer even though the numbersarent in(7,3)???u?e?,??? 9a ancient roman offical, or a corrupt variation there of?(10)p????????? 16d havent seen the difference wheather its...
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6d. "Ah, I'm a rat disguised" cried that spy so despised(4,4) ?a?a ?a?i 24d You'll hear rows going down in outlaw hideouts(5)?a?r? 25a c n i e t (6) o d m n. I don'understand this clue. Many thanks...
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18a Nearly a Cuban celebration ... puffed Kennedy at Khrushchev ,so to speak (5,3,2,5) 9a Might The Stones perform it as a tribute to Simon in St. Peter's ?(4,2,4) 1d Cartoon strip character ...which...
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11 Across and those with minds, we hear,that would take them to ends of the earth (6) P?T?E ? 12 Across '' O not I " gulped Mrs Spratt "Don't call me that" (5) ?A ? T ? Thanks...
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20a Keep you ears open for whatshisname... or whatyamacallit (4) ?S?A 6/7d Imperial quote gets a treble five high from the original Roman (4 4 4) ?E?I. ?I?I ?A?I thanks...
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16 Down Sounds like exercising self-restraint will cover the four corners of the world (10) ??N?i?e??? Also 29 Across There will be blood where there's fortitude (4) G??? Thanks
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As a singleton, I have to pay 75% of the C.Tax that the family next door pays, despite there being two wages earners and 3 children living there. I am quite happy to pay my share of C.Tax but why...
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18 Across Star bias displayed by coffee-shop workers (8 letters) B?R?S??? Thank you
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18a a and a1 forms filled by those so priveleged?(3,5,7)the, ?????,classes 13a players,please?(4)???t 10a 300 of them in the picture... for those who can endure most(8)?????a?s...
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1 Across Despite being great there's no profit in this product of mine (8) C?L????? 4 Down A month, I See -hear! in which there were no bugs at all to be found (7) ??E?T?? ALSO 14 Across Acid remark...
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16 Down They're in the bag for you and you! (two words of 4 and 6 letters) ??S? P?I?E? Thanks
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18a am so afflicted with children!says she. what can it be?(7,8)?o???n?,s?c????? 28a such dogs hunt as becomes them...(10)?t???o???s...
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18across. "Am so afflicted with children!" Says she. What can it be? (7,8) ?o???n?, ??c????? 9across. If put in jeoprady, read tenth e-mendment. (10) ??r?a?????...
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7 Down Initially,California's premier university (4 letters) ???a Thanks
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12 Across, Figure on getting out there? , there are five letters. 25 Across , Any Idea ?No , not I for for a Change , there are six letters. 28 Across, Garryowen in sight , but much the same if you...
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17 across It directs that communication should be flighty (2 words 3 letters and 5 letters) P?? A?I?N Thanks
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8 Across Lead in the the first of twenty-nine more (4 letters) ???E 19 Down How to take a hike in a boat (2 words Of 5 and 5 letters) S?O?E ????? 28 Across How to be caught on the wing (10 Letters)...
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Travelled by sledge (8) ?L?I?E?D thank you
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Travelled by sledge

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