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Stuck on a few.35a After workout,short,old uncle goes for a wine.(10) ?ET????EM?. 24a Form of argot a semi-polyglot rubbished and binned.(8) ??G?ATI?.18d Pronounces oriental soup "burn".(8) ?H????E?....
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Last one,and i will probably kick myself! 31A Guy"s theatrical? not good.(4) ST?Y Thank you for any help....
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7d What match programmes get used for? (8,6) C?M?U?E? ????N? 26d "Are you still worth a fortune? (6,8) ???D?? ?U?S?I?N thanking you....
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15a)Positive statement of a fine,resolute country ditching leader.(11)A???R???I?N. 5a)Straits current in which a river runs.(6) ?A?R??....
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Last one! 26d) In contact with uppish maid,was flirting.(5) ??YED. Thanks in advance.
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11a) Languages of north-east-a study needed into such.(6) N?D??E. 3d) At eg Murrayfield tested out soft grass.(5) PR???. Thanks....
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Fish secured by scotsman taking boat across river? (8) ?A?K???E. Sumerian city captured by the german renaissance artist. (5) D?R??. Thanx...
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Last one.10D) Stripped of power,explain betrayal.(4-3) S?L? OUT.Sell out or Sold out.? TIA
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23d Treat employer as bringer of darkness. (6) D??SER 12a Fish in clean river. (5) CH??R 29a Round vessel belonging to us. (4) O??N Thank you....
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32d Carols little boy having hand up to hold in yours for a start. (4,3) T?N? T??. 35a Lying about contents of hold being fashionable. (9) R?C?I?I?G. 56a Manacled,i had to be arrested and put away.(6)...
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31a)Replaced currency unit-take plenty back. (5) TOL??. 32a)Hanging,something that stops lives. (5) T???S.Many thanx.
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End story in hearing.(4) ?A?L.thanx
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12d) Order to armed soldiers who"ll combat trolls etc. (9) ??D?R?T?R. 47D) Problem here for roman chalice. (6) ?I?C??.thanx....
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20d) Trembling state after two successive helpings of liquor. (6) QUA??R.Thanks for any help.
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12a Classy follower of Oxford group initially makes a pilgrimage.(4) u???.16a Outburst about bit of busted wall under ridged roof.(5) GA?L?.Thank you.
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13a Getting smaller,a maths function is comparatively easy task.(7,3,1,3) F?L?I?G ??? A ?O?. 5d Ticking off what mac no longer keeping one dry needs? (7) R?P?O??. Thank you in advance.
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Last two annoying me! 22d Independence party getting over 50% of the capital? false notion. (6) ID?L?N. 32a With furthest point facing ligaments lacking tension. (5) END??. thank you....
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Heading off for fancy do (4) R???.Too hard to follow 50 short words? (6,4) L???R? T?F?.thanks for any help.
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50a Take to sea and wait around hours when cutting most of canvas. (8) ?H?N?H??. 47d Tree row cut down as a prelude to study. (6) ???D?N. Thank you.
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1d Weep about eleven beheaded for ivory (6) C?E?M?. 46d Aluminiums used in rand coin (6) ???L?R. thank you.

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