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what is the music when frost is letting his laptop translate all those papers things(anceint scripts or somthing), when hes sat down listening to his cd player
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Is there a programme-software that makes the computer talks?? I mean a programme where you can type a message or a text and then the computer speaks it! ??
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Is it possible to save real media files onto your hard drive? To be specific i want to save the file at . i have found out that a .ram file is...
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What is the song played in the advert where everythings in slow motion? The only lyrics i know are, 'now the sparks are gonna fly', and come on baby, don't drown me this time'. if it helps there's...
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I believe that the colour of an object is determined by the light it absorbs. i.e. a white object absorbs maximum light and thus appears white. A black object absorbs no light and therefore appears...
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Is it possible to watch TV on my computer? If so, how should I go about it?
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what is pntiomon.exe
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why don't some of the link images display on a page. just get a red square with a plus sign in the middle.
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Are the numbers after the 'captain's log, star date........' a code for an actual/fictional time frame, or just a randomly picked lot of numbers?
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a frequently used song on the simpsons begins; ''sunshine, lollipops and rainbows'' does anyone know anything about it?
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Does anyone know anyone with this name excluding me? Tron
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on this site: there is a picture which I REALLY want. It is of a lady dressed in blue holding a moon and a sun. please can you tell me how i can get hold of it? whenever...
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If the cost of postage is determined by weight? How much would it cost to send a big bag full of helium?
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What is the name of the music that plays when programs on the BBC are either entering a break or right at the end of a break? You know the bit where it shows a logo of the BBC and a snippit of music...
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On the new bbc ad, where the camera zooms out from two girls at a party, what is the music in the background?
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What is the music on the bbc advert with all the ravers?
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What is the name of the dance tune currently used on bbc1 between programs, that has the people dancing around in the background?
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What is the music from the peugeot 206 ad wirh the Indian guy smashing, crashing and doing some advanced DIY job on his old "trabi" to look like a brand new 206?
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who remixed the a-team theme tune

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