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Camber dave

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Camber dave
my neighbor has removed my fence panel and resighted his gate post slightly nearer my side which i have no problem with but he is appearing to want to relign my fencing to suit his resighted post as...
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Camber dave
Hi all I have allready posted this question on the main home and garden site but would like help on identifying this problem the leaves of my Maize have been shredded as if by a comb many thanks...
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Am I too old, at 30, to get a new facial piercing? I really fancy getting my lip done (with a labret or a vertical labret), but it seems only teenagers and emos have them nowadays...I'm not...
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Camber dave
I have a nesting blackbird in my garden Will the male feed the female while she is sitting on her eggs and if so what food shall i put out in the forcast bad weather regards Dave
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Camber dave
Does anyone know the actress in the kingsmill ad that has a lady driver and child in car waiting for partner and she eats his sandwich
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Camber dave
what is the law regarding public liability when a friend of the builder does work that later causes a problem I.E. a pipe leaks and floods a room, the man who fitted the pipes was not covered by...
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why is it that I can change pages and read answers on all other topics but not on Quizzes & Puzzles?
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triple h
We have a garden that is continually wet.Theories range from underground river,broken drain,poor general drainage due to soil type etc. We`ve spent ?1000 already on an unsuccessful attempt to build a...
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People keep saying there was going to be a storm tonight but the weather here hasn't been too bad (i'm in the south west - gloucestershire). When is this big storm expected? Will it be high winds and...
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I know there is a code you enter that displays the phones serial No. but is there a code you can enter to display the handsets own phone No.
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Camber dave
hypothetical A few years ago I wrote out a piece of paper and handed my wife my half of the house it was dated and witnessed and the reason given is this a legal doc or has it got to go through a...
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Camber dave
hypothetical I signed a piece of paper which stated that I was passing over my half of our property to my wife and gave the reasons I signed this paper and had it dated and witnessed is this legal or...
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Best treatment please ??
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Peter Moran
Is animal experimentation justified if used for medical purposes?? Peter-Eden Moran

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