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Are We Paying Too Much In Benefits?

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naomi24 | 08:36 Thu 05th Mar 2015 | News
64 Answers
This woman can’t work and is on incapacity benefit, but nevertheless has paid for multiple trips to Tunisia and can afford to send her husband money which he passes on to his family.

(Don't want to sound like a kill joy, but I can’t help thinking that whether this man is eventually allowed to come here or not this marriage is doomed to failure).


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That was a weird confusing sentence. "Mrs Makhloufi, who earns gets £70-a-week in incapacity benefits". I was thinking is she living on benefits given, or is she really earning a wage ? Was there missing punctuation ? I figure the £70 but be a benefit in addition of something she earns from a paying job then, as otherwise she'd not have the income to fund this opportunist.

Sadly she needs someone to help her get over misplaced emotions when she is clearly vulnerable. On the one hand folk should be allowed to live their life as they wish (as long as moral) and make their own life decisions, but on the other hand society has a duty to look after its citizens from their own inability to sense a con: which seems to be more needed as one ages.
It's a badly written article, O_G.

Could part of the problem be that he wants to bring his Guide Dog into the UK with him, and it 's causing problems with quarantine?
love is blind
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OG, she doesn't work. She "suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis which keeps her out of work".
Deskdiary..//I despair of these gullible idiots//....This woman is having a good time at the taxpayers expense.....rethink the idiot bit!
yes, we have the most generous benefit system in the world, that's why Calais is full of people trying to get here. When it comes to giving money away we are the undisputed masters.
Ah, then "earn" doesn't come into it.
I agree, the old age pension is far too high.
traditional anti British comment from Gromit I see.
I guess the heart wants what it wants ;-))
I believe it is more important that to whom we are paying than how much is being paid.

There was a time when people had self respect and used to feel pride in earning their living. Unfortunately those kinds of people are in short supply now.

In short any social benefit system should help people to stand on their feet and nothing more than that unless person is completely unable to do so for certain reasons. If it is not so then any social benefit system will only produce people who will rely on others and would become social beggars.
Keyplus //There was a time when people had self respect and used to feel pride in earning their living. Unfortunately those kinds of people are in short supply now.//

Nonsense. Most people in the UK work.
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I agree with Keyplus when he says that the system encourages people to rely upon others. It does. Pity we can’t decide where our own contributions to the money pot go. I’d elect to care for people who really can’t care for themselves. Gromit could make his own choices but at least my money wouldn’t be paying for this woman’s trips abroad - or to help keep her husband’s family.
£70 cash per week and she can afford to travel, give him money, pay her bills, and eat. She must be scamming somewhere.
Sorry for the late reply - I am just back from William Hills, having placed my life savings on a bet saying the marriage will not last.

Yes, we pay too much in benefits.
What really gets my back up is couples who don't work and churn out one child after another and expect the state to pay for them/provide them with a huge house etc etc
There is about 15 stone difference as well as 15 years difference.
Love knows no boundaries - what a load rubbish! I would question his motives. Perhaps I am insensitive but like the OP mentioned "doomed to fail". Daft woman giving her money to him for his family. If he gets the visa he will drop her like a hot potato!
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ummmm, the £70 is incapacity benefit. I assume that's paid on top of her normal benefits.

MrsO. //What really gets my back up is couples who don't work and churn out one child after another and expect the state to pay for them/provide them //

Me too.
Still wouldn't be enough to live the life reported even if you double it.

Ummmm - 'Irelands benefits system is much more generous than the UKs'.
Details please
If this proves the case I'm off to the land of my fore fathers

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