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Switching Electricity Suppliers

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Misky | 09:17 Tue 07th Oct 2014 | Home & Garden
27 Answers
Is it easy to do this using those sites such as u-switch? Npower are just taking the mick with our bills. We've used them for 21 years simply because they supplied the house when we moved in, but I'd like to look elsewhere now. All I ever hear are nightmare stories, never ones where everything went well. We're completely up to date with our payments to Npower now.


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we are with "first utility" another independent one
I thin "new" customers always get a much better deal than existing loyal ones so it pays to shop around every couple of years or so.
Lady B, yes I'm in H where there are a lot of poets around!!
i'm with npower for the same reason, mum was with them so we stayed when we took over. after going on comparison sites they came out the cheapest,and since then iv'e swapped tarrifs(still with npower) 2 or 3 times getting cheaper power every year. iv'e not had any problems with them yet.
I rang youswitch the other day and found myself with savings (for same deal) of over £200 a year. new company is also First Utility.
No difficulty at all, but you do have to have the person on the other end of the phone prattling all the "Terms and Conditions" at you
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Thanks Paul and Atalanta, I'm definitely changing, especially after spending 52 minutes on hold to Npower this lunchtime! I know the others may be as bad when it comes to that, but at the minute I'm paying through the nose for rubbish service!
Do it NOW Misky - you know it makes sense:-)

Jan I'm in H as well, a bit further east than you.

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