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Big cats in the wild in UK

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pugwash52 | 15:40 Thu 16th Mar 2006 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers

There is a lot of talk in the news again about big cat sightings. Anyone ever seen one in the wild? If so, where?

Thanks in advance.



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yup, but it was dark and no-one believes me. saw it on the herefordshire/wales border

MrG is positive that he saw one in South Norfolk (about 7 years ago) It was going into a farm entrance and he said that it moved just like a cat and definitely wasn't a dog or farm animal.

my auntie hit the black panther, which is loose here in skelmersdale, in her car.

at first she thought it was a big black dog, and when she went to look, it wasnt there, it had ran off.

she was real upset as she loves animals, but then one of her friends told her it was the psnther, cos they saw it run off from their window.

yes, lions, leopards and cheetahs galore in Serengeti, Tanzania on holiday over the last new year period

hey rja211077, there was no need for that. it seemed a bit cruel since the person was asking if any one had seen any in the UK!

and i thought i saw one a while ago in wales on a family holiday, it was big and black. but no body believes me either!

also a short while ago on that 5 o'clock show they had a big phone in where people called up to say about british wild life (eg the scorpians i have in my back yard!) maybe the have a website with the info on? i'll check and report back l8r. :-)

I saw something one night in my headlights, just outside the village of Aston herts, it was about twice the size of a normal domestic cat,greyish in colour, orange eyes. I've seen lots of foxes and I'm sure this was no fox. It was a few years ago now.

hiya i cant find what i wanted to exactly but maybe these sites will help:

sorry i'm not more useful and can't give you an exact location.

...yes, i saw one...was 4am...on my way to work and it was sat next to a roadworks sign, so i know it wasnt a domestic cat......this was...about 7/8 year ago, on the edge of a village.

...btw...i wish i hadnt said anything at work about the p****ss being that lol

I just read about this on the attached BBC site. I've seen such animals in the wild, when abroad, but I wouldn't fancy catching one trying to get through my kitten's cat flap.

apprently in Ceredigion mid wales - theres a 'beast of bont' a lynx or something like that
yes near glasgow about 4 years ago again nobody believed me but i know what i saw i nearly crashed the car!!!
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Thanks for all the answers. Seems that sightings are pretty well spread out across the country. I'll keep looking!

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Big cats in the wild in UK

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