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Flower quiz - November 2011

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Yammie1973 | 12:13 Mon 28th Nov 2011 | Riddles
20 Answers
Hello All, can anyone help me with a flower quiz. There are a number that I have no clues for:

4. Seen after stoking the fire
5. A tasty vegetable
13. Helps to keep the floor clean
18. Female's indoor footwear
25. A strange Miss Langtry (something Lily)
29. Fetch with vee replacing eff.
31. Baby's noisy toy
33. An old penny ends a mixed choir
40. pasture's small table top
41. It's pickled seeds are capers
43. In mythology it induced dreaminess and a distaste for activity
58. A short giant reptile gets you and me in the end
61. Harvest of granite, perhaps
64. A supermarket
69. Go fast in good health
70. A flower and an inlet on the coast
71. The second unknown joins a weapon shot from a bow
75. The car emits a high pitched explosive sound caused by detonation of the mixture following partial combustion.
76. It flowers on the 29 September
77. Light fine pillow lace
81. Its stalks can be candied for cake decoration
90. We will gather them in the spring again.
97. Sounds like the beau of the big cats
82. Tulip + rosemary + an article


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5 Sweetpea
13 Broom
18 Lady's slipper
29 Vetch
31 Rattle
33 Orchid
40 mMeadowsweet
41 Nasturtium
61 Stonecrop
69 Speedwell
70 Rosebay
76 Michaelmas daisy
77 Sunflower?
81 Angelica
97 Tigerlily
4 Redhot poker
Question Author
Thanks gen2. This has helped considerably.
25 Jersey Lily
43 Lotus

64 Waitrose?

71 Yarrow...

BTW its a fallacy that nasturtium seeds are pickled as capers... they actually come from a different plant the Caper plant and nasturtiums are done the same way
25 Arum Lily
58 Crocus
90 Lilacs
lily langtry was known as the Jersey lily...
I know, but it says "a strange Miss Langtry"
A strange = a rum, Miss Langtry is the Lily.
If you like flower quizzes, there is another one here:

75 Pink
Question Author
Hi, just and extra one for you?

66. Do they live in seaside rock pools?
Question Author
Hi Gen2, how do you get pink for no. 75?
64 Could be Aster (sounds like Asda!)
there a supermarket chain called Cactus in Luxemburg
According to Wikipeadia
To pink means to knock, as in what happens when a car backfires.
pink is right for 75 . It's called pinking - Don't hear it much nowadays but it used to be common years ago
No it's not the same as back firing or knocking. If youv'e ever heard it, it sounds more like something loose under the bonnet
could 66 be Anemone - like sea anemone
90 lillacs from the show Perchance to Dream - we'll gather lillacs in the spring again - nice song
66 could also be periwinkle

pink/pinking as explained by Valanne & Wazzard

I'll go along with aster/Asda as well

I make that just no 82 still to get.

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Flower quiz - November 2011

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