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death penalty...

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missjef | 20:58 Wed 13th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
40 Answers
in your opinion should this be brought back into england? If yes why do you think so, if no why not?

Also if it were to be brought back do you think that Manslaughter should result in the death penalty?
Again If yes why..etc.

If it were to be brought back and the public could go and watch executions would you do along?

just wondering what everyones thoughts on this were.

em x


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noxlumos that may well be the case, but i just wanted to know whether people think it should be brought back in their opinion.
has anyone watched the brutal beheadings of ken bigley and the others in the middle east i havent cos it would trouble me to see a person begging for their lives so i dont think id turn up for the executions. though i have no doubt that i could kill a man if i needed to[ self defence,revenge ] im not one for veiwing others get their revenge/justice
Country boy. If a member of my family was murdered of course i'd want to throttle them. However,we live in a so called civilised country where we have laws, & I would be confident that the judiciary would deal with the killer.
What would you do if a member of your family was charged with murder & you knew he or she was innocent?
I don't think it should be brought back, partly for the reason mistakes are so often made, just look at the cot death convictions for a start. And also, why should anyone be expected to take another's life to satisfy others peoples lust for vengence? If they ever did bring it back then I would hope the ruling would be 'you want them dead, you kill them and live with that for the rest of your life'. So many prison officers in the states struggle with what they have to do just so others can feel justice has been done.
I used to be pro death sentence. Now I think it would be better to empty the prisons of petty criminals..they should be doing community service and doing the jobs that no longer exist due to local council penny pinching.

The murderers should be left to rot in the dungeon. Porridge is too good for them..let them eat slops and deny the home comforts that are usually reserved for low life nowadays.
good question carrust - but I was talking in my hypothetical ideal world
Sorry missjef ~ I didn't answer your last Q!

If executions were brought back, I wouldn't go to view them..even if they had murdered a family member. To do so would make me feel equal to the murderer..and I wouldn't want to sink to the particular level which makes me look as if I enjoy witnessing a death.
No way.......... as a society we have left that era behind thank god leave it to the for manslaughter no chance...You need to be one sick puppy to watch some one p1ss them selves and beg for their own life how would you sleep
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crilly2k as you seem dead set against the death penalty, what do you think should be done to people who have committed serious crimes? do you think that prisons are too leniant nowadays, or do you think that prisoners should have rights too?
As Ian Huntley has recentley attempted suicide. Surely this proves that a life behind bars is a worse punishment than death? I don't know!
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He probably only attempted suicide because he knows that if he doesnt do it someone else will.
Miss Jef in my opinion death is the easy way out for these criminals, this country has thousands of men and women sitting idle in jails when you chould have them working like chain gangs in the states now thats punishment so if you commit serious crime a life building roads and breaking rocks cleaning the streets and graffitte and i mean a life -time would seem a more harsh sentence but its a hard topic to answer

Since the death sentence is never going to come back we all know that ,we should use this man power to better the country we live in

the likes of Ian Nuttley wants to end his life so he wants the easy way out fcuk him make him work the rest of his life like a dog and then i think he'll realise the pain he has caused

I'm starting to rant so i better stop Missjef
sorry (huntley)
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thanks for that crilly, i just wanted to clarify what your thoughts were because from your previous answer i thought you might be one of the people who are all for prisoners rights and believe they should be allowed things like haircuts and such like..
missjef I don't understand your obsession with haircuts as a sign that prisoners live a life of luxury. I hardly think letting their hair grow uncontrolled counts as some sort of sentence.

Let's just get a quick fact out of the way: every single person who can sit at a computer and casually advocate that people should be killed is either an inhuman monster, or deeply ignorant, stupid or uninformed.

Leaving aside the obvious point that WANTING people to die is wrong, how can you possibly say yes let's bring it back when you know there are wrong convictions? And as for "America's got it right", try thinking about these things before you say them. America is all over the place with the death penalty. Not all states have it. And in those that do, do murders still occur? Of course they do. Doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent, does it? People sentenced to death sometimes subsequently spend YEARS, decades even, on death row. Leaving aside the moral repugnance of it, it's an absurd system. How is that "right"?

Anyone who says they would be a witness to an execution is, simply, a sad sicko no better than the murderers themselves.
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backdrifter in my previous answer i was simply pointing out that i do not thing it is right that prisoners should be given contact lenses, sewing machines, knitting needles, and im not against them getting there hair cut as such - jsut the fact that they can get it dyed! that is what i am against, why should they be allowed NHS contact lenses for free? and allowed to have their hair dyed in whatever colour they want? those arent basic human rights.

you say that someone who can 'casually advocate' someone being killed is an inhuman monster - but what about the people who have done these crimes? surely they are the monsters out there??

i have not said anywhere in this post that i think America has got it right, as i dont believe that at all, on quite a few things - including their gun control laws aswell.
Thanks for explaining your haircuts comments.

No you didn't make the remarks about America, someone else did, I didn't mean to infer my response to that was addressed to you.

With your other comment, I think you're missing my point. Yes of course I agree that the murderers themselves are committing monstrous acts. My point was that, for someone to then say "Well, they should be killed too" is just as monstrous. How can you not see that? No-one has ever been able to justify to me that state-sanctioned killing is acceptable. And there's a good reason for that: because it's killing. The ease with which some people - including many here - condone the idea of killing, seemingly without a second's thought, is sickening.

It's a simple equation. Supporters of the death penalty are saying: "Killing is wrong. Therefore killers should be killed." But they don't seem able to progress to the next thought of "Oh hang on, I just said killing is wrong and then advocated it." Which is why death-penalty supporters flounder in a self-contradictory moral sewer.
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backdrifter thankyou for that, i do agree with you on some level about people saying killing is wrong, then wanting that person to be killed - it is a bit contradictory!

okay, i'll ask you what you think should happen - do you believe that somewhere like alctraz would be better than killing them? so there they would get locked up in dark dingy holes, so they would truly regret their actions?
Or are you fine with how prisons are at the moment?

just wondering what you thought since you are against the death penalty.

A very fair question. Prison should feel like a punishment; the bare minimum provision, with work and activity to keep them busy, and requisite medical care. Parole provision should not be as generous as it can now be. A line needs to be drawn - the dark & dingy approach probably isn't right; the idea is punishment, and hopefully reform, not slow-drip psychological torture. Murderers should serve life - end of story. They took a life, so they forfeit the right to live theirs freely.

But there is a bigger picture. Prisons are crammed full of people who have committed relatively minor crimes. Now, I'm NOT advocating releasing them early. But something needs to change. If Blair had ever delivered on his intent to be "tough on the causes of crime" that would be great but it's not happening. Something needs to fundamentally change at the very roots of society to prevent people from becoming criminals in the first place, but I don't pretend to know what that is. What I do know is that the death sentence isn't the answer because it doesn't address that grass-roots problem.
It's really easy to point out the one mistake every 20 years, but nobody ever mentions all the people murdered by released murderers - in the States, between the years of 1963 and 1997 over 100.000 people would still be alive if they'd executed all their murderers, and the rate soared between 1967 and 77 when the death penalty wasn't used.
Personally I REALLY resent taxpayers' money going to keep these people in comfort at the rate of �2000-�3000 a week, when that money could be used to fight cancer.
Yet the anti-death penalty brigade always claim the moral high ground for some reason.
Its fine if you can't entertain the smallest risk of an innocent person being killed by a wrongful conviction, but if so, then don't ever dare to drive your car again as you have a far greater chance of running over an innocent person and you cannot possibly take that risk can you?
Oh, before anyone questions the figures above, sure I'm quoting them from the web, but even if the figure was 100 and not 100,000 I would still quote them as the principal is the same.

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