I doubt it will sure it but isnt cranberry juice meant to be good? As it flushes you it and leaves good toxins or something? Whenever i have had a kidney infection my dad always used to make is drink it...
Although he knew i hated it so maybe he was just being mean! haha!
It's a proven fact that drinking cranberry juice does help urinary tract infections. I used to get cystitis quite often and the doctor always gave me medication. Then I heard (can't remember how) about drinking cranberry juice. I now have a glass every day and hardly ever have the problems I used to have.
Not really robertap. The main thing is to drink plenty of fluids - cranberry juice, water and apple juice are best, as minor kidney ingections usually start in the urinary tract and work their way up. You should see your doctor if you already haven't, and he may prescribe Amoxicillin or something similar. Left untreated, it can turn into a very unpleasant condition called pyelonephritis. I've had it, so I know.