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cop killer

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tigga | 00:02 Sun 05th Dec 2004 | News
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Regarding David Beiber, The man jailed for life this week for the shooting of P.C. Ian Broadhurst, the judge ruled that in this case, life would mean LIFE.

I completely agree with this ruling but i think that should apply to all cases serious enough to warrant life imprisonment ie. child killers, peadophiles, and rapists not just somebody who kills 'one of the boys' .

Anyone agree ?



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I do not agree, if you take someones life, you should get life but after commiting paedophilia, the person could then commit murder at no extra penalty. Im afraid your bloodthirsty, gung ho opinions on these people blind your judgement on debating punishments

ianess - killing your wife's lover in a rage after discovering them in bed together is the same as calmly walking over to a wounded Police Officer and shooting him in the head?

I think you mistake us for confusing manslaughter and murder - we are not.  Repeat killing, killing a servant of the crown and making "hits" are all cold blooded.  Killing for pleasure, serial killers, cannibals or for a kick including following a sexual assault is quite another .

Killing a burgler who is trying rob your house is not the same as raping then murdering a woman who is walking her dog. 

 The psychology of it is very different and to murder a policeman in cold blood is frightening - closing ranks is a natural group survival instinct and one that i think you'll find most communities and organisations do without thought.  Removing the context of a situation, the frame of mind, motivation and desire of a killer - stripping it down to one man that deliberately takes the life of another, then yes you would be right that they are all the same.  Add those things back in and you'd be wrong 

I have read the replies to this very emotive subject with great interest. Some replies are very sensible and backed up with facts and carefully thought out opinions. Some of them beggar belief. As a police officer I have my own thoughts on the murder of a "colleague" simply doing his duty elsewhere in the country. PC Broadhurst left for work that morning almost 1 year ago never to return home. It was BOXING DAY!! A day when most people are shopping in the sales, or sat at home with their families, still stuffing their faces with turkey etc, This family man went to work to do his job. A dangerous job. A job not valued by many people, certainly taken for granted by the vast populace. A job frought with dangers. A job that I and others are prepared to do that many others wouldn't. What saddens me is comments such as "the authorities looking after their own" when a man, convicted of killing in cold blood an unarmed police officer, is given life. And on a rare occasion, a judge actually recommends that life means life. However, I suspect in the next 10 years or so, when the deaths of police officers in such circumstances are common place, kpax and people like of the same school of thought will be MP's and recommend that Beiber's crime wasn't so bad after all and that he should be released for good behaviour.

May I dutifully request that readers follow the link on the West Yorkshire Police web-site for the Judge's summing-up on the case R-v-Beiber


I remember when I was 10 years old.  I was sat watching the tv when the news came on about Jamie Bulger's death.  This shocked me to the core.  The boys responsible for his death were the same age as me.  At a young age such as 10, to physically be able to carry out an act such as that is terrifying.  Those boys must have had a serious problem psychologically and I do believe that there would be no way that they could be rehabilitated and brought back into society.  And yet saying that, they have been given a new identity and are probably off living the life of Riley somewhere.  That is just wrong!!!


I believe if you take a life intentionally then the penalty should be the same and life should mean life.  It evens says in the Bible 'an eye for and eye' so why don't people take note and serve punishments that do not have any leniency to them.

I stand by my previous comment that unless there was deliberate intention to kill then it cannot be murder.

I would find it difficult to accept that killing a wife`s lover in a rage could be construed as murder.

Shooting any person, regardless of their occupation [or age] in cold blood and while they were begging for mercy is an entirely different thing.

Scottish news......Monday 13/12/2004.

A murderer......out on parole from a life sentence.....has just been jailed....would you believe for life.......for 2 knife assaults committed while out on licence.

It gets worse........the judge told him he would have to serve five years before he could be considered once again for parole!

Are the lunatics now totally in charge?

Ye Gods!  When the hell are we going to wake up?

At what point exactly do you consider a lead injection between the ears as a suitable solution to a problem?

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Unbelievable aint it !. to be considered for parole after 5 years too ?. They are talking about heavier sentences for possesion of knives now, so lets just hope it has a knock on effect !.
 I strongly agree,BUT ANYONE who fiddles with children or harms them in anyway should executed,

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