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Call out my name

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johnlambert | 11:08 Fri 07th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
39 Answers
I awoke at 4:30 in a cold sweat this morning because I heard a woman call my name, it wasn't my wife who was fast asleep beside me. It kind of freaked me out as this has never happened to me before, it wasn't a voice I recognised, but it was crystal clear (I can still hear it now) and sounded 'urgent' if you know what I mean, as if to deliberatly waken me.
Has this happened to anyone else?


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crystal clear to me laurence2, it didn't sound like it came from a dream, it had definition if that makes sense,
It happens when you are havent had much sleep or are stressed. I find that it never happens when my bloke stays over. He must relax me :-)

In that case your house is haunted.

Call the Ghost Busters.

But put down dust sheets first as that Slimer makes one hell of a mess.

Most people don't remember their dreams. Same as you mostly dream when you're about to wake up I think.
So why do you think you heard it John?
This is really interesting as many people say they hear and see things when waking up and people put it down to lucid dreaming or the state of mind before it wakes, However there are also many books to say that when we sleep we visit the spirit world or the etherial planes so what is to say that this wasn't a spirit person talking to JL or calling to him? We won't know for certain will we?
PMSL @ China Doll

If there's something weird and it don't look good
Who you gonna call?
My wife hears voices and also sees imaginary things in our bedroom.

She sleeps furthest from the bedroom door as she sometimes see's a man with a knife in his hand by the door.

And who's nearest to the door lol

Most of this stuff must be linked to sleeping/dreams etc as most peoples experiences with voices etc seem to be just bedroom related.
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That's very interesting eyeshade, at first I thought it was my mum who died when I was very young, but I can't really remember her, and I have no memory of her voice at all, only an image of the last time I saw her.
It was Dannii Minogue.

Word has it that she likes to climb the drainpipes outside her fan's houses...missed an opportunity there, john :o)
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lol, her loss pippa ;-)
Well, I wouldn't always put it down to dreaming. I am a firm believer that we are visited by loved ones who try and contact us just to let us know they are around.

Laurence, your wife sounds interesting. Does she have any psychic abilities? What makes you think she is imagining it? Some people are very suseptible to spiritual things and I don't always believe we should put it down to dreaming.
John I hadn't read your post before I typed out mine.

So sad about your moved me to tears. Now I have to eat some cake and have a strong cuppa.
she does believe in clairvoyants etc.

But what women don't lol
I sometimes hear a doorbell ring in the middle of the night - this happens when i am stressed or excited. It definitely isn't a real doorbell as I have had it happen in houses with no doorbell and also in hotel rooms. It wakes me up and it is quite frightening until you remember that it probably didn't happen and there is no-one at your door in the middle of the night.

However, I prefer to think that it was your Mum and that she felt that she had to wake you for some reason.
Mm yes so do I but I don't see things, although I would like to. Lots of children say they have imaginary friends, some may well have imaginary friends but others are convinced they do actually see spirit friends - its just that we bigger lumps don't see them because our brains have tuned out. Your wife may well see things, it would be worth checking out though wounldn't it?
I think dreams are amazing. I can remember some of mine quite vividly.

Doe anyone have a recurring theme for if they are stressed or anxious?? Mine is water. When I was younger, if I was stressed, I had recurring dreams that I was surrounded by v big swimming pools that contained killer whales! They were so vivid, even now remembering them makes me feel uncomfortable!
Yoo hoo
Clybear who scary! I used to have a recurring dream, the usual sort really, it was my nans old dark house with monsters trying to get me from the outside and I had it many times. Years later I was in the pub having a drink with my sister when she told me she had the same recurring dream! Aghhh! Spooky or what.
If it wasnt your imagination john then it could well be a form of sleep paralysis as a few folk have mentioned. Theres something called hynogogic hallucinations that is believed to be part of SP though I have had both and think they are seperate things. Theres a link here about it

The only other thing I can think it could be if you werent imagining it/dreaming or if it isnt HH is that maybe you are sensitive to spirits....stop laffing everyone..... because of the busy lives most of us lead these days people are becoming less aware of strange things happening around us. When we are sleeping it could be that it is much easier for this kind of thing to register with us.

and if i had known so many people were interested in this kind of thing then I would have put my lucid dreams post up in here. I put it in science cos i didnt want a lot of comments about the 'wet' variety lol

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