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I Wonder How Much They Lost

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nicebloke1 | 09:53 Sat 09th Sep 2023 | Politics
15 Answers
I wonder how much the treasury was scammed out of when Boris introduced the voucher to have your bike repaired :>)


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Perhaps you could do some research and report back.

A drop in the ocean compared to some of the stuff going on.
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TTT. I thought I would put to the AB political experts, save time. :>)
Well the phrase lost seems misleading. I mean if you buy something have you "lost" the money?
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I think you may have missed scammed in the OP TTT. When you get scammed you don't get anything for your money, so lost.
Are you saying the vouchers were taken but no actual repairs were carried out? Do you have any evidence to support your claim?
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Sorry scammers don't give their details, plus they normally work from abroad most of the time.
Why do you think they lost anything?
So just idle speculation in order to project your hatred with no thought, intelligence or reasoning. Right oh!
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Why do I think they lost anything? because its the norm for the cons to do so. I mean just take a look at that boat hotel, prime example. I won't even enter into the amount lost during covid.
Oh, so it's based on nothing. What a surprise!
So basically we have another Trollsketeer!
Green issues was always something BJ showed misguided opinion on. Instead of supporting cyclists and bicycle owners a sensible policy would have been to declare them a safety risk and banned them from public road, lanes, and pavements under health & safety regulations.
This was covered in a thread by sandra4444 some time a go,
Wonder what happened to her;)

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