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Michelle Obama: 'i Won't Run For Office' For My Children

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mikey4444 | 18:34 Fri 28th Apr 2017 | News
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No one.
Well that's one less thing to be worried about. Was she hoping to become the new Hillary, following hubby into the top job?
jail crooked Michelle!!

Oops, got carried away there.
What is or are the reasons for your 'Who can blame her !'


Nothing new there, its what she has said all along
//Michelle Obama: 'I Won't Run For Office'//

Errr wrong, that means she will, just testing the water with a disclaimer is all. Power hungry now you see, ohh how they crave the limelight and the status. Liberal trait.
Not me. She's better off out of it.
Did Hilary not say the same ?
I find Michelle believable......
Woof, in a good way ?
yes....I think if she us saying no she means it....when the kids are older then she might change her mind of course....
I hope she changes her mind, as I think she'd be brilliant: she's intelligent, level-headed and articulate. The USA will need someone like her soon enough when the Trump experiment implodes
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Probably not, it definitely won't be for the money, She and her husband are both writing books in a deal worth $40 million.
The moral depth of Michelle Obama was summed up by her response to the abduction of and Muslim girls by Boko Haram: #GiveUsBackOurGirls.
Michelle's hashtag, by the way, was as effective in protecting young girls in Nigeria as all of the OP's mates in Rotherham (Bradford, Oxford, Tower Hamlets, Bristol, Blackburn etc.).
..inn K. pas inrotecting girls in the UK.
As I said above - no one can blame her. protecting girls in the UK.

Fine words butter no parsnips.
Hypocrites collude in rape.
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