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NOT receiving emails!

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alzheimer | 13:14 Wed 30th May 2007 | Internet
4 Answers
I am an OAP novice and use Forte Agent for my emails and Plus Net as my
ISP. Last week, Plus Net started a SpamFilter and during that day I
got no emails and was told they could not be retreived as my "catch
all" facility had been set at "off" That was remedied and since then I
have had only SOME emails. Even SOME personal emailers do NOT get
through and some spam still does! Forte Agent seems to be deleting a
VAST number of my incoming emails (all out-going mail does go ok) and I
don't know how to retreive them or correct this problem. I am not even sure
if it is PlusNet or Agent that is stopping my emails getting through.
Legitimate companies like Amazon, and even Answerbank (!)
that I use frequently are also not
getting through. I will be surprised if any response to this arrives!!!
Please help a confused OAP!!!


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Go to the PlusNet webmail page by clicking the link at the top right, here:

Log in and click on 'Manage my Mail'. You should then be able to switch off the spam filter. (You can also view your spam folder to see all of the mail which has ended up there. You can only do this by using webmail, not via Forte Agent). This information is based upon reading this page: _protection_guide.shtml?supportb=email_t5spamp rotection

If you want to try another e-mail client, instructions for setting up both Outlook Express and Thunderbird are among the options here: setup_guide.shtml?supportb=email_t5setupsoft

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Many thanks for that very full and helpful answer, Buenchico. I have been there and done that, as the saying goes, and read the info. The spam is now coming back into the INBOX but so far none of the missing correspondents' mail. I actually already have an Outlook Express account and some emails have been coming in both routes. What is puzzling me is what Agent does with the emails THEY delete and why they delete them...I have checked the filter and don't see any of the missing emails there. Why are companies like Amazon and the DailyTelegraph etc suddenly not getting through as of old...and companies who send confirmation emails now don't reach me.? OAP's and modern technology are not really a good mix!!!!
Thanks for the reply.

I don't use Forte Agent, so I'm no expert on it. (I know that it's highly rated as a newsgroup reader but I'd actually forgotten that it's also an e-mail client). The Agent website states that spam should end up in the 'Junk' folder: 893B0081852571C400778745
However, it occurs to me that some programs offer an option to automatically empty certain folders (such as 'Junk' or 'Deleted Items') when you close the program. Perhaps your Agent has such an option turned on?

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'Morning Chris,...sorry I didn't pick up on your reply last night. I was brain-dead after a day of filters et al and shut shop early!
I think you have found the answer with Agent being the rogue and which has "learned" to delete things it shouldn't have. I am still using an old version of Agent but that website you gave me has sure widened my knowledge!
I thank you for that. I suspect I should use my web-mail more - it is simpler (Agent can be very complicated for an old codger like me!) but I was advised that non-web based email acts. are more secure.
Thank you again for your detailed help and patience. I'm off to have a "caffeine surge" (!) and then re-read those FAQ's of Agent
Yours aye, alzheimer!

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