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Connemmara | 00:40 Tue 02nd Jul 2013 | Music
20 Answers
Am getting my first lesson in over 8 years tomorrow with some gentleman. I am embarrassed at learning at over 60years old

I know you would be aware I did start a class last Easter but because it "was a class" - and being deaf I knew I needed one to one teaching - so I start Tuesday (ie today at 2.00pm ( I am going to feel a bit of a chump) - I so wish to learn music sheet again - but will it sink again I don't know.

A friend of mind once told me when children are small - their brains are like sponges and soaking up infor avidly but when you are over 60 your sponge turns into cement. BOOHHOOOO Anyway on a joyful note will see what happens tomorrow - "hope I have good prospects" of joining the Ulster Orchestra - guess the teacher will tell me (all in due course) LOL) Might send you free tickets to see me LOL


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I wish I had the nerve to do that - but I'm 70 so even more solid concrete.

Good luck, may all your wishes in this area come true.
I know this might sound ignorant but how do you play if you're deaf?'re 70??! Well I never. I thought you were much younger...
I play several instruments, and I always say, it doesn't matter how good you are, as long as you are having fun. Think of how many musicians there are in the world, and how many (say for the piano/keyboard) are as good as Elton John. Not many, but we are all having fun! So don't stress over it and enjoy yourself.
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Ummmm that is why I need to learn- so when you do understand the notes and choords - then you crasp some kind of music btw ( am only learning for fun A teacher can point where you are going right and wrong with flats and the sharp. Me, personnally. I neeed to learn the notes and apply to the right key with the help of my teacher.
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Hi Canary seems to be you are deaf - Jacklee an OP of thise - look up his personal profile - his wife is in a home and he is missing her dreadfully but wants to tune up a little piano/keyboard. Give him a posting as he is 90
But can you actually hear what you're playing?

I'm just Uncle is/was deaf (he had an op a few years back) he had 10% in one ear and 20% in the other...before the op he couldn't hear background noise and would never have been able to play an instrument.
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Yess Ummm believe it or not me personally talking for myself - I do hear music but it is not what you would hear - hence my friend nudge in the arm at Orchestras - oh Conne (she knows where I am coming from) the but the guy is playing fantastastic music on the organ, trombo, - I only hear perhaps of 2-3 10ths of what she hears/you hear - but when I "eventually achieve this class goes" I will try and match note of sheet paper with finger with rhythym - and and if this class works out for then I go home and practise for hours (with my headphone ) to not annoy the neighbours what he has told me - then hopefully bring keyboard to teacher either he tells me where went wrong here and right here. And between the two of us we get it right. I understand how a deaf can learn music.

If you Google Donny Osmond family the first brothers born were profoundly deaf but the mother made sure they learned on some instrument. (What a wonderful mother) Found last on Graham Horton's show - a profoundly deaf very famous female drummer played all over the world - lady who had travelled "playing the drum" - I uderstood immediately - got the beat from her feeling her bare feet on the floor - the she could "fly". UMMM when one loses one faculty - you seem to get another one. Good night Umm cos I have to get ready for music lesson LOL bye
>>>But can you actually hear what you're playing?

Well, Danny Boyle entrusted the coordination of a performance seen live by 900 million people to a profoundly deaf musician. (Evelyn Glennie)
he was deaf and played the piano
Unsure why you would be embarrassed. When I retire I intend, after vegging out for a few months, to try to take up all the stuff I don't get around to now. And taking up the things I've done and enjoyed in the past. Health allowing. Not sure how I'm going to fit it all in though.
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good for you old geezer - my appointment is for 2.00 so I am off - when you are back can you give me some of your ideas to what you propose to do - cos I would like to be doing more with my retirement. Ta
Off the top of my head.

Cooking, gardening, drawing, painting, exercise !, beer brewing, wine making, maybe photography, smaller DIY jobs than in the present, get out and enjoy the local and not so local places.

Probably loads more if I sat and made a list.
Oh and of course musical instrument playing, perhaps singing lessons if I dare ?
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Went to music lesson and first time - have really got a great teacher. Really enjoyed the lesson that the half hour went into an hour - I couldn't believe it. It does take the hour to learn some things. Paid him for the hour of course. But he wants to make 45 mins every week. Hope I do well.

Tambo whilst Johnny Ray (altho he was deaf) played the piano - did he sing? If he did wow I wonder how learned to "hear" notes etc .
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Old Geezer - if you can do all the mentioned you are probably very artistic. Good luck when you do retire. Conn
Beethoven managed... Just enjoy!
Most instrumental teachers love teaching adults. We put the practice time in for a start and we're there because we want to be, not because someone made us. Have fun and good luck!
I am lucky enough to be able to play the guitar and keyboard quite well, and i think it is really a wonderful thing. Everyone should try, its born into us, my grandchildren start to jive when rock music comes on the radio, and they are only one year old. connemmara, just go and enjoy it, age is not a problem, and i am qute deaf but earphones help.
Johnny Rae was a fabulous singer, he sang with a 'sob' in his voice.
Google, "Just walking in the rain".

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