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The Return Of The Tumbleweed Remover.

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Theland1 | 01:05 Thu 04th Mar 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
77 Answers
You seem to have been wandering in the desert for forty years, and only tumbleweed to break the monotony.
The trouble is that you all seem to broadly agree with each other, being a crowd of heathens who choose to live in denial of a higher power.
Maybe it is time for you to listen to the message in the gospels, and consider the great free offer that God makes to you all, the forgiveness of sin for eternity, and life after death in the presence of the Lord.
So, why not make a start and acknowledge the, "God of your understanding," that is, your personal perception of God, and rejection of the atheists, "faith," in science?


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Hi Rev. Blind faith is an anathema to me, and my faith is based on more than superstition or wishful thinking. The world we suffer in is exactly like the world prophesied in the Bible.That's a start.
Can't expand more just now, got to load up my washing machine and peg out my smalls. Well, O.K. then, not really THAT small ...... !
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God is even better than Bold 2 Waldo. Washes out the stains and softens the fabric!
How is your faith based on more than superstition or wishful thinking?

As for your observation that scientists work on faith no they don't the work on available evidence and then theorise, they then put thier findings up, to basicaly be shot at by other scientists. This then leads to the throwing out of some ideas and maybe the re-postioning of others.

In 1840 a scientist predicted that there was another planet beyond Uranus because he could observe contradictory and unexplained movement in the orbit of Uranus. He couldn't see what caused it but he was sure it was there and low and behold there was Neptune.

Scientists do not go with faith.
Really? I can actually experience Bold 2 for myself. Sadly, it appears that I lack the necessary something to experience God (or he's sulking behind a tree and doesn't want to rub my baleful atheist face in the dirt by proving me wrong).

I'm therefore happy to go with the so-so thing that actually exists rather than the supposedly better thing that appears to exist only in your imagination.
"God is even better than Bold 2 Waldo. Washes out the stains and softens the fabric"

seems to me that (in your view ?) he is the "architect" of everything. so he must have created the scratchy fabric and put the stains in their in the first place, and then claims all the credited for putting his mistake right again.

sounds like a politician.
God strength manifests itself!!!

forgive me if this is way off the mark but this what i see....

You go through hardship and turn to drink and maybe have some self esteem issues.
You mange to come through it or at least get on the right track and you cant even accept that it was YOU who did it! feel proud for what you acheived dont give credit to anyone else when its ou who deserve the praise!
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Sherm - Glad to see it is not only I experiencing typing delays and glitches.
But that aside, although admitting that the evidence for my faith is quite often subjective, the objectivity of fulfilled prophecy remains a powerful motivator in my quest to know God and acknowledge His existence.
"objectivity of fulfilled prophecy" Except it isn't even vaguely objective. Or if it is, it's the using the same sort of objectivity which says that Nostrodamus was good at predicting things.
Theland, //my faith is based on more than superstition or wishful thinking.//

How can it be when there is no evidence to support anything you believe.
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Ankou - the scratchy fabric is a manifestation of the fallen world in which we live, in desperate need of repair and a return to a proper relationship with God. Mans' self will introduced sin into the world and brought with it separation from God, and marred a once perfect creation.
Sorry, left the question mark off the end of that. Here you are. ?
Bold is on BOGOF offer in Asda right now
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Mrs Overall - There you are - BOGOF in Asda - Well not only does God forgive sin, but also chucks in eternal life. No supermarket can match that, even with a club card!
As far as I know, Asda doesn't punish you with eternal torture if you don't shop there, which I would suggest puts it rather ahead of your supermarket in the attractiveness stakes.
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The eternal torture is quite simply the suffering of those who want to get in once the doors have been locked. They refused to shop there during normal opening hours.
If God forgives sins, why is there eternal torture ?
but if god forgives, why would he shut the doors ?
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When we step from time into eternity, it is too late to join the club. The rejectionists are getting what they always wanted, themselves, and if being in your own company is hell, then that is the deal.
Maybe they don't shop there because despite people like you saying, "The main doors are over there! Can't you see them? I can; I'm standing in the frozen veg aisle right now!" they can't see what you're talking about, and when asked to give them something as small as a mere frozen pea to prove you really are in among the freezers, you say, "er... It's an invisible pea. With, er, no mass." at which point they walk away shaking their heads sadly.
Some father he turned out to be. You could teach him a lot about parenthood, Theland.

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