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What's The Point of Prayer?

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birdie1971 | 03:35 Sat 11th Jul 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
55 Answers
Why do religious people pray?

It seems like a singularly pointless thing to do. If God is omnipresent and omnipotent, then He knows your deepest desires � you don't have to tell Him � He already knows doesn't He?

Actually, isn't praying the most presumptuous thing imaginable? Surely you're asking God to change His plan to benefit you specifically?


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The-knobster.....your prayers for winning lottery numbers were answered; even though the numbers were not awarded to your selection.

You were saved the hype/publicity/quandry of millions of �s, that would cause you more insanity ;)
did you win then Tam??? give us share then...we are fellow posters.. even knob! lol
I always win......dont gamble my money ;)
nice one neither! Never done the
Razzle, do you think maybe that 'Prayer', is just something that we do to address our own fears, hopes and desires?? Even if one did not believe in a 'Surpreme Being', no matter what form that should take in ones own mind, it is a way of saying, either out loud or into ones self, what we WANT from life?

Even if it is winning the Lotto? Prayer, is maybe something we need to do to simple face each day that comes along, and gives us the hope to survive it!
Telepathy is a phenomenom some have experienced and deja vue.....such is the human mind to explore and believe. Because we can, so we do!
There is no point in prayer to win the lottery, or praying for nice weather. There is a point, however, in praying for strength to get through the working day.
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God isn't deemed by everyone to be omniscient, and offhand I can't think of anything in the Bible that says he is (feel free to find a quote that proves me wrong). The Bible does say he is the creator, but just because you've created something it doesn't mean you can continue to read their minds as they develop and change, which was why I offered the analogy of a parent and child.
God''s judgement necessarily requires omnicience, for after all:

Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matthew 5:28


Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 1st Corinthians 6:9-11
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WaldoMcFroog � Been a while since I checked back here.

Ahh, you see, you're making the same mistake I always make � using logic, evidence and reasoning.
whilst it may be pointless to some to others it is a source of comfort and solace. Often there are people who feel alone in the world yet they feel god is always there to listen and never judge. Often they believe god can forgive them for things they cannot forgive themsselves. Sometimes when they are scared and feel they have no where to turn God can be there for them particularly towards the end of their lives. Whilst you may not see the use of prayer for those people who have found it a rock in their darkest hour then surely it is hge value for those who choose to use it. Besides if it helps great it certainly wont cause harm
It is to be in communion with God.
There are basically three types of prayer:

1) Praise: We are commanded by God throughout the Bible to praise Him. Why? well, not because He is an insecure tyrant, but rather it is in order that WE remember what He means to US. We�re not doing it for His benefit, but for our own.

2) Thanksgiving: Again, not because He wants to be thanked, but in order that we acknowledge that it is through Him that we receive our blessings.

3) Petition: The hardest of the three to explain. If you believe, as many do, that God has a plan for mankind, then it might seem that praying for Him to do something for us is pointless. He will only do what fits His plan. However there are a couple of traditional interpretations of the �point� of prayers of petition. Firstly, because there are instances in the Bible when God changed his mind about doing something because he listened to the petitions of his followers. And secondly, as with the other forms of prayer, it is a way of concentrating our thoughts on what we want for ourselves, or others.

The whole issue of prayer is a problematic one, even for those of us who have a strong belief in God. Particularly when one considers the fact that so often, it seems anyway, our prayers go unanswered.

Finally, praying in the company of others increases one�s sense of belonging to a community, and underlines our collective wishes and desires.

Hope that helps.

The bottom line is..... prayer is not as simple as it seems. It is not a slot machine, a way to get whatever you want from God.

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