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Happy Christmas, Elderman!

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beckersjay | 23:03 Fri 23rd Dec 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
91 Answers
Elderman, I don't always agree with the things you say but I hate the way you are treated by many ABers. I hope you and your family have a good, peaceful and loving Christmas.


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Religion also did not invent war and genocide.
I have now officially had enough of this drivel and think I will join the ranks of ABers who give this section a very wide berth.
Religion certainly didn't invent war and genocide but religion has upheld them as worthy pursuits for the faithful.
As we look at world conditions today and consider all the wars that have taken place and are taking place, what changes would you like to see, or do you think conditions have always been as they are today, a world without faith in God, but senior citizens know better. Older members of society are well aware of the stupendous changes that have occurred in their lifetimes; and, whether their children’s children believe them or not, the historical facts prove that conditions have progressively gone from bad to worse.

Those who are sincerely searching for truth generally recognize that there must be a God and that he reasonably would reveal his will and offer answers about why we are here, what life means and what the future holds for us. Consider the case of a Persian man in West Berlin. Years ago his father was an influential politician, but after a political reverse he took the family to Russia, where the son studied and became an engineer. In time the young man moved to East Berlin and later sought asylum in West Berlin. He explains:

“Although I belonged to an Eastern religion, I had not been active religiously. Still, since childhood I believed in God and I often meditated on the purpose of life and why there are so many religions. In the summer of 1975 I met two students of the Bible and talked over matters with them. From their explanations I was able to conclude that the Bible is inspired of God. They visited me at my home and we got involved in discussions regarding the differences in religions. They left with me the book What Has Religion Done for Mankind? The explanations in it based on the Bible brought about changes in my entire outlook on life. What I learned, and the changes this brought about in my thinking and actions, have brought me great joy.”

How reasonable it was for this engineer to give consideration to the Bible! The Bible includes the oldest and most widely circulated of all sacred writings. It alone comes to grips with questions that we need answered—Why are we here? Why do we die? What does the future hold?
//The Bible includes the oldest .....of all sacred writings. //

No it doesn't.
Goodlife posted the following screed, an invitation to a Q and A session and an opportunity to correct some misapprehensions by goodlife. I thought I might oblige ;)

Q.As we look at world conditions today and consider all the wars that have taken place and are taking place, what changes would you like to see
A. A world without god - one less reason for the fanatics and fundies of this world to kill and maim.
Statement(paraphrased from original for brevity) - Our OAPs have seen the world go from bad to worse as the belief in religion declines.
Counter - No, they havent.By any measure you care to use - Living conditions, health, wealth, infant mortality rates, average age of death, life has improved. Nor was the "older generation" uniformly believers.

Statement - "Those who are sincerely searching for truth generally recognize that there must be a God and that he reasonably would reveal his will and offer answers about why we are here, what life means and what the future holds for us."
Counter - Simply not true. As the search for truth by means of the scientific method, logic and reason have continued, wise people have concluded there is less and less reason to believe in god.

anecdote and homily edited out for brevity.

Statement -" The Bible includes the oldest and most widely circulated of all sacred writings. It alone comes to grips with questions that we need answered—Why are we here? Why do we die? What does the future hold?"

Counter - No, it doesnt. It contains little stories, little parables, little fairy tales about a jealous god who demands faith from the followers, and continually tests that faith. It has nothing especially useful to say about the future - you do get those who try and cherry pick an event with hindsight, then to attempt to claim unerring truth from the holy book - but any rational observer will smell the *** a mile away.

Intelletual rigor - 1/10. Rationality and Logic - 0/10.
beckersjay – Thank you. Enjoyed the break. Hope you did too.
They assume I am a Jehovah’s Witness, but I don’t think they know what a JW is. At least they believe and use the Bible.
These Abers talk about the Bible advocating genocide. But they don’t know what they are talking about. They read a few scriptures and read a few apostate websites and think they know it all.
I am willing to debate but they continue to accuse me of copying and pasting. But I have noticed they are not adverse to doing this themselves on occasion.
@Elderman - You cut and paste virtually all the time. Your comment about engaging in debate is risible, since you avoid counter-argument and rebuttal at every opportunity.

By any measure, those who choose to offer points relating to the bible show more knowledge of the bible than you.To simply claim that they fail to understand the bible is untrue - They understand it at least as well as you, they just choose to be less selective, less blinkered about what they see.
Elderman, I don't assume you're a Jehovah's Witness - and as for debate, you don't know the meaning of the word.
Elderman is probably a member of a new sect, "God's Cut and Paste Church," the premis of which is to brush everybody with biblical paste and see if any of it sticks.
Elderman, who are 'they', are they several of the 'one' or are they a different entity altogether?
Like I’ve said before – you can’t see what is under your noses!
Elderman, you attempt to make fools of the people here, and in some cases you succeed because you have gathered one or two of the more naive who either feel sorry for you, or who can think no further than the indoctrination they themselves have succumbed to and hence, demand that religion be respected regardless of the dangerous nonsense it promotes. Fortunately the more astute among us are not fools and we see precisely what's under our noses - a duplicitous and dishonest man who is playing a game and has no intention of discussing anything of any value.
What the Bible says. “He that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly”—or, as the Contemporary English Version renders it, “you hurt yourself by going around with fools.” (Proverbs 13:20) Don’t misunderstand, the “stupid ones” or “fools” referred to in that verse may not be literally ignorant. On the contrary, they could be straight-A students. But if they have little regard for Bible standards, then in God’s eyes they’re fools. And you’ll only hurt yourself by being like a chameleon, changing your colours to blend in with them.—1 Corinthians 15:33.
Which is more witless Elderman? Which is the more foolish path?
Unquestioning faith, in the absence of evidence, in an improbable entity?

Or following the evidence, following the science, and recognising that independent thought - logic and rationality - demonstrates that whilst faith might offer some individuals some comfort, its overall effect on society is both devisive and anti-progressive ?
LG, I do hope you're not expectng a sensible answer to a simple question.
Elderman, how did we manage to understand god's word without your insightful explanations of god's meanings, understandings, feeling, intentions etc. You must feel very privileged to know him so well and intimately. Has he told you when he is going to start armageddon or are we going to be kept guessing on that for a while longer. By the way you might need a hanky.
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Elderman, I'm glad that my greetings did not mortally offend you as some suggested! I am dropping out of this section for a while but I send my good wishes to you.
Elderman I challenge you to tell us truthfully - what denomination are you? What church do you attend? We need to know as if there are differences between us, we can understand why.
I don’t see the necessity for knowing what particular denomination I am. I have repeated told all that I do not belong to any particular denomination. I belong to a Charity organisation and I defend the Bible because there are so many on this site who are atheists and evolutionists.

The early apostles also defended the scriptures and they warned that in the last days there would rise up those who would draw believers away from the True God of the Bible. The name of God is Jehovah and the new King James version has now restored this name where once the word LORD was used.
I have studied the Bible for a good number of years, I have used various translations of the Bible and, regardless of what some say here, I do understand what I am talking about with regard to scripture. Unlike so called religious leaders who spout what they think rather than what the Bible teaches. This is what happened when Jesus was on earth and that is why he condemned the religious leaders of his day.
Elderman, //I don’t see the necessity for knowing what particular denomination I am.//

So how do you expect to recruit people to your organisation if they don't know where to go to learn more about it? If you say other branches of Christianity misinterpret the bible, you surely cannot assume that your potential converts are capable of interpreting it correctly without the appropriate guidance.

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