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Is There Really a Devil?

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Elderman | 20:09 Mon 12th Dec 2011 | Society & Culture
211 Answers
Is there basis for believing that a wicked "spirit" creature exists? Or is this belief unfounded?


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i don't know why you bother asking really, it'll only be gobbledygook, or this link copied and pasted (i.e. someone elses gobbledygook).

Nor will there be any organizations that mislead the people. We have already learned from the Bible that not all religion is approved by God. So it should not surprise us that religion built on falsehood will become a thing of the past Also in line for destruction is the political system that has so cruelly oppressed mankind. As any study of history reveals, this system has a record of bloodshed and greedy grasping for power.
True Christians here on earth will have no part in that destruction. It is God’s war. He will use angelic forces under Christ to carry out the execution. He will also cause one part of Satan’s visible organization to turn on the other in violent hatred, Yes a wonderful time to look forward time too,no more atheist no more evolution.
So I take it you don't know.
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Furthermore, all “Ungodly men” will be destroyed. (2 Peter 3:7) The people who made up the unbelieving world will be gone. But, after stating this, 1 John 2:17 adds: “He that does the will of God remains forever.” It was to make this possible that Jesus Christ gave his life on behalf of mankind.—Hebrews 5:9.
Elderman, //nope //

Well, if you are not able to tell your potential converts what is expected of them, you may as well put a sock in it.
The only way to be a 'true christian' is to be Elderman, but that post is already occupied.
really? looks like a vacant space to me.
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No,Jesus was modest and realistic in what he expected of himself. He knew that he was not going to convert everyone who heard his message. (Matthew 10:32-39) the **** do you know what jesus expected of himself? Even if you knew him personally you still couldn't know his thoughts(assuming he existed). The bible was not written by anyone who had even met him let alone knew him.
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Thank you -NogelTheViking
Elderman....'wrong' is not quite a good enough effort. I presume that you just said 'wrong' because you suspect that I might be right. Perhaps you would care to expand on your argument as it doesn't quite convince me that you know what you are talking about.
Elderman - “... He will also cause one part of Satan’s visible organization to turn on the other in violent hatred, Yes a wonderful time to look forward time too,no more atheist no more evolution.”

So you're actually looking forward to a time when people begin to murder one another in god's name? It beggars belief that you can post the above statement and still consider yourself to be a good person. If this is what religious belief reduces one too then you're welcome to it. Your religious belief has moulded you into one very nasty, sick minded individual.

I did find it amusing when you claimed that 'jomifl' was “wrong” when he said that, “... The bible was not written by anyone who had even met him let alone knew him.”. So who exactly, knew Jesus personally and contributed to the writing of the bible? Every biblical scholar of any repute knows that the bible was codified long after Jesus' death and not one of the contributing 'books' was written by someone who had actually met Jesus in the flesh.

However, if you know different, please enlighten us – and the rest of the world.

Attended college as usual Monday evening, where i went on answerbank for the first time in about 12 months where this devil thing was the first question i saw, but had to get home for my logon details.

Personally unsure about the wicked 'spirit' creature of biblical myth, but i think there may be a hell realm. For me, this is that of the Buddhist philosophy and related literature.

A significant lesson is that for bodhisattvas who have attained highest spiritual realisations, they cannot have any concept of this hell realm because their mind is so pure and fully cleaned. For them such a low level vibration cannot even enter the mind! I remember this point being made in a Dharma class i attended.

Karma : As you sow so shall you reap.

For a harmful action the karmic effect is a harmful reaction
For a generous action the karmic effect is a generous reaction
I think if you drop all the metaphysical stuff out of the bible- all the stuff that doesn't make any sense, the Old Testament, Revelations, forgiveness for sin, all the things none of you on that side of the fence seem to like what you end up with is "Love one another." "All the problems religion has done" doesn't come from religion but mankind. People don't need an excuse to be ugly. Read Lord of the Flies. It shows the true nature of man left to his own devices.

I have no idea if the devil exists. I never really gave it much thought honestly. There is precedent in the bible for God to be confronted and consider a argument from Moses to save the Israelites. I can imagine that any creation would be given the same consideration- including the devil.
//He will also cause one part of Satan’s visible organization to turn on the other in violent hatred, Yes a wonderful time to look forward time too,no more atheist no more evolution//

Isn't that disgusting!

Cowtipper, //All the problems religion has done" doesn't come from religion but mankind.//

Religion comes from mankind. There's no excuse.
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Cowtipper........True,result has been to turn men from the simple declarations of the Bible to the complex dogmas of men. This, in turn, has confused so many people that they sail their ship of faith not only without a compass but in a fog. Take, for instance, True Christians have a balanced view toward scientific knowledge, and this brings good results.

They are not misled by “scientific” ideas that are often more personal opinion than established fact. Take the existence of God or purpose in the universe is a “metaphysical question” with which science cannot deal,with or observes “that scientists are permitted by their own colleagues to say metaphysical things about lack of purpose and not the reverse.

This suggests . . . that science, in allowing this metaphysical notion, sees itself as religion and presumably as an atheistic religion.
Refusal to believe in a higher power reveals an attitude similar to that cited by the psalmist, who said: “The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search; all his ideas are: ‘There is no God.’” (Psalm 10:4; 19:1)

So no man can find the purpose of living until he gets out of the fog of human speculations, traditions and deductions and comes into the light of God’s Word. Concerning this Word it is written: “Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.”—Ps. 119:105. But true ,Love one another,
All the problems religion has done" doesn't come from religion but mankind. True, You only look here to see.
Elderman, unless you can define the criteria required for a person to become a 'true Christian' - which by your own admission you can't - stop banging on because nobody knows how to begin to follow your recommended path - should they by any remote possibility wish to.

Incidentally, you should look for a new avatar. Bedrest and thermometers will do nothing to repair your state of mind.
My friends daughter, 21 years old and getting married at the end of December in a Pagan ceremony ( so doesn't believe in the Devil)- stupidly (because she's a nice person) invited her father's crazy reborn Christian family- they told her they would come but only to stand outside ( with placards) singing christian Hymns to try to save her soul from the Devil. She's absolutely beside herself, they have ruined her wedding, the run up to her wedding and are just a total menace, so please Elderman- explain to me why people would want to save someone from something that that person believes doesn't exist and ruin what is supposed to be the happiest day of her life? If your Devil does exist he's working well through Christians:(

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