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B N P March

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stevie619 | 18:03 Wed 23rd Aug 2006 | People & Places
19 Answers
How do i go about starting a BNP march through the city that i live in ?And does anyone want to join me


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I'm sure these people will lend you some white hoods

My goodness man have you got a deathwish? Are you prepared for the outraged replies you're gonna get (providing it doesn't get pulled 1st!). and quite frankly I don't blame them!

you can't seriously want to do a march for these cretins can you?
from what I've read on other sections of this site, a certain Mr Ward Minter would probably be first in the queue to join you and your strange little friends.
And most of the people who post on the News section. Am I alone in thinking that there are some very dangerous individuals posting on this site at the moment?
Oh let us know where you're marching, so that if it's near me, I can come and laugh at you and your utterly contemptable co-marchers. I can then also point you out as a warning to my littel boy, so he knows about the dangers of a closed mind, biggotted view point and often, low intelligence or lack of love and acceptance at home.
You and your ilk utterly disgust me.
thanks for making me laugh kim, truth is i'm a pussy cat, soft as anything, if only u knew. :0)
ROFL at kick3m0m - that was a brilliant response! Let us all join together and laugh at the bigots!

Kim A - I agree about the 'dangerous individuals' posting!

This is a site that can be viewed by the whole world - what a shame that it's becoming a forum for people to pass on their racist opinions, and abuse other AB'ers.

I'm sure there is a law against publicly inciting hatred? Maybe I should ask that question?

devilwoman, you are the least of my worries.
I think you'd need to get special permission to leave the closed ward, first, steve.
why would i want to worry you kim, at a time like this, we should be united in defiance of the evil that would cause us to divide and cause a full scale war, indeed even now we dont know who to trust and who not to.
This is a free country and even mentally defective, intellectually challenge, cro-magnon knuckle draggers are allowed to march if they want to.
I'd love to join in but, having an IQ of rather more than zero, a wide circle of friends from diverse cultures and backgrounds and a social conscience probably prevents me.
Bigots aren't born, they are bred - don't blame the product, blame the producers!
i am surprised you have posted this on here, and i hope your methods are for different reasons?

i have a friend who is the local chairman of the bnp and after LONG discusions with him about this, he has informed me that its not about the colour of the person, its mainly a front against illegal imagrants taking over what was once great britain?

most of us work and most of us pay taxes,however there is a strong representation of immagrants who are taking britain for a mug?

once again, i hope stevie has an opinion on this.
Yeah is that right? Well he wants to get that message through to the rest of the morons then. The type who support Millwall and wear doc martens, levis and button down shirts. Those that go round p1ssing up the walls of mosques and stuffing excrement through their neighbours letter boxes - God!! Haven't we moved on from the seventies yet?
another example of a bait being cast and accepted :)
Would love to see the carnage
am hearing you Bob, but some things you just can't let pass, and for me, this post crossed my "line in the sand" as it were, even if it is all about baiting :o)
3 Blind Mice - you DO surely know that the Great in GB doesn't actually mean 'very good'... don't you?
This is a completly pointless question as the BNP do not march and haven't done so for over 10years. However, the national front do still. Stevie619 would not get permission from any official within the party (ie local organiser) to 'start a march'. The BNP is a legal political party which is dedicated to fighting free and democratic elections and not marching about the place creating an ideal opportunity for public confrontations with far left trade union scumbags who oppose democracy and free speech.
I suggest the answer would be to join the B N P and organise with them to march they are getting more and more popular and are I believe getting vast memberships to Date I now feel the major parties start to shake at the mention of BNP but I do believe they are not allowed news paper or television coverage and I believe they are not allowed to march in our towns maybe they speak the whole truth regarding the legal invasion of England and this war is raging without guns but as I can only suggest the weapons are money MMMMMMMMMM
this is my own private thoughts on the queastion you have forwarded . DIDGERY

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