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Should Dave Lamb from Come Dine With Me do the Eurovision song contest voiceover?

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AB Editor | 11:30 Wed 10th Mar 2010 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers
Should Dave Lamb from Come Dine With Me do the Eurovision song contest voiceover?

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Should Dave Lamb from Come Dine With Me do the Eurovision song contest voiceover?

  • Yes, Dave Lamb from Come Dine with me should certainly do the Eurovision song contest voiceover! - 54 votes
  • 84%
  • No, Graham Norton is fine. - 6 votes
  • 9%
  • No, but someone other than Graham Norton. - 4 votes
  • 6%

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random q ed
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I know.. Sorry!

Spare Ed
Bring back Terry Wogan
ed daft question are you on drugs???
how about this

is bonnie langford suitable for the next pope yes or no

try posting that !!!! lol
Well I voted yes. I think Dave Lamb makes the show.
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A number of fans had suggested that if Terry Wogan were to stop commentating on the Eurovision Song Contest, Lamb would be an ideal replacement. Lamb thought Wogan's shoes were too big to fill but liked the idea of "sitting in a booth with a bottle of whisky and getting angry about the Eurovision Song Contest".

Here he is.

Mr Wogan is pass it!

Mr Lamb would liven it up no end. I can just imagine some of his comments
"Sounds like a cat wailing" etc. :-)
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What an inspired idea. Dave Lamb's narration on CDWM is one of the true delights of modern television. Is he related to George and Larry Lamb?
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Dave Lamb is the funniest thing on tele but feel that it may spoil things for him if he does Eurovision - best he stays away. I feel he should get an award though!
I think I've read somewhere that his CDWM commentary is written by others though - so they'd have to be in the booth with him.....
redhelen,Beloved tel? You must be joking!! Overpaid,pompous unfunny prick.
I thought Graham Norton was fabulous on the Eurovision's last year. It's a wonderfully camp programme- and so's he!
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Zeuhl is right. Dave Lamb is very funny but I don't think he writes the Come Dine stuff, so may not be the man for the job.
chirpy - Dave Lamb and Larry Lamb are not related, but George Lamb is Larry's son.
dave lamb reads a script, he is funny, but he is reading what is written. I dont think he could "do" a live event..
that's what i was going to say cazzz

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Should Dave Lamb from Come Dine With Me do the Eurovision song contest voiceover?

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