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bthbn | 19:21 Thu 03rd May 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
47 Answers
Hi All,

I wish all the great brains around here would take a step back.

I'm NOT talking about the wonderful cryptic puzzles in all our papers, but the smaller quizzes that the world and his wife can now get answers on via this site.

What's the point in setting a decent quiz, if EVERY darn thing is given away on here?

I particularly object to people that seem to expect the whole blasted quiz to be answered here.

There are some very good minds on this site, but I believe it should be policed a little bit, to stop lazy arses just using you!

I really feel for the setter of the latest Quizzes for Charity sports quiz.................what's the blooming point if the answers are ALL here?




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Beth, I do understand what you're saying but the bottom line is this is a FUN site, people that prefer to solve quizzes on their own merit don't have to use it .

Personally I think the charity quizzes are probably quids in, as soon as a particular quiz is mentioned you often see posts asking where to send for it which can't be a bad thing.

Sometimes I read a question and can't believe the poster doesn't know the answer, however I have posted questions myself and on seeing the answer can't believe I didn't get it. We're all only human!

It is a good point you raise though and it's interesting to read the responses
Evening all ... As a doer and setter of many quizzes I for one don't mind where anyone gets their answers from.
If they are too hard people get put off especially if they are good causes quizzes.
I start with my brain ! ... very shortly after, the dictionary, book of knowledge etc, then family, then work, possibly the library, google and then my friends on AB.
I had some help recently on a quiz that didn't even have a prize but I felt I just had to try and finish it.
This is the whole point of AB ... and I've 'met' some lovely people here.
My Tree quiz finishes tomorrow and I've been overwhelmed by people's generosity. Yes, some of the questions finished up on here but I can't see any difference between this and looking in a book etc ...
This is not meant to add fuel to the fire but someone did suggest that a setter of quizzes was asked for their opinion.
Off now to google picture 98 ... xx
This has been a friendly site but recently we've had a run of 'questions' as above and its spoiling it for many. I do ask for answers and mostly have tried elsewhere for answers or am just pushed for time but have always appreciated any help given. It really is a sorry state of affairs if Beth's view is shared by many and I hope it will not put off or upset anyone who enjoys puzzling and the camaraderie on the site. Not everyone has time or opportunity to research books, library etc Magyar has the right attitude perhaps you should stick with the scratch cards as said - you may be on your own!
I'm with the original poster on this.

Some people seem to post almost an entire quiz here.

Also, difficult questions that people have sweated blood over are just given away willy nilly.

One site I know of has a clues only policy, which I think is far fairer.


So Beth as well as being old I am now lazy, so what its no skin of your back. Don't like it don't read it.
Have you found 98 yet earthakitten........?

We are all waiting with baited breath to pinch it !!!!!
As another quiz setter, as well as an avid quiz "doer", I think Answerbank is the most wonderful site. (Nearly) everyone on here is so friendly and helpful, and the charity that I work for, and set quizzes for, has benefitted enormously from their participation in our quizzes. I would think that most people who bother to put their �1 + s.a.e. in the post to request a quiz, are going to have a bash at solving it themselves, before asking for help. We don't all know the same things, and when you're stuck it's nice to know there's someone on here who will probably have solved the one you're looking for, and you can maybe help them in return.

I wouldn't want to see a lot of restrictive rules and regulations introduced to the site. It would spoil it. I think we are quite capable of regulating ourselves, and no-one is forced to look at a question if they don't want to know the answer.
Alas Pebbles ... no luck yet. I do hope that someone has it as I think it could be a winner ! And I thought I liked picture quizzes ! xx
I have only recently started to do these quizzes and I am like earthakitten in that I don't ask for help until I have exhausted all other sources of information and time has nearly run out - I like the challange. However, I am quite happy to offer my help or opinion at any time.

When I started to do these quizzes I made the decision to state to the quiz setters when I return the quiz that if I should win I want them to keep the prize as a donation to their charity, �10 would be nice but a feeling of smug satisfaction would be much nicer. I always pay up front and currently have 11 on the go. I get laughed at by my family and colleagues for my "quiz fettish" but they are happy to help me.

I have also set a quiz for our local church and raised �70, This was prior to discovering AB and I really wish that I had known about you all then as I could have raised so much more. I stated that a draw would be made in the event of a tie, and there were five names for second/third place. So, as a quiz setter, I wouldn't have minded if some had used AB.

I also do the national sunday papers quizzes and sometimes find that I have to ask for help. Do you think this is also wrong? after all, the prizes that can be won in these are more like �500 and I may gain an advantage over the other 20,000 correct entries by asking for help. If I win these I fully intend to keep the money.

I hope you are not losing too much sleep over something that few seem to consider a problem.
I had a tree quiz return with the same generous offer about the prize money ... would you be one and the same jessiedog ... xx
I wasn't going to reply to this ridiculous point of view that you hold .But having thought about it I will.There are worse things going on in the world to worry about than you worrying yourself over people getting answers for quizzes on AB.
At the end of day this all ephemera ..done and forgotten about and if someone wins ..well good luck to them .
It never ceases to amaze me how petty people can be over somethng as trivial as a quiz or crossword .
If I can help someone with an answer I will....and as for policing the category ..there are enough policemen here already.Yourself included by the tone of your post.
Lots of people in the world have no clean water or anything to eat or are dying from cancer ..this is why people do these charity quizzes and the money they get benefits the cause.Who cares how they get the answers as long as someone benefits from the money collected and their lives are made easier by others generosity.The key word here is Charity
Earthakitten, yes thats me.
Question Author

I feel a bit ganged up on here, so thanks for the odd one or two that supported my view.

I still hold firm that if it is a competitive quiz, regardless of what charity, one should be finding the answers FOR ONESELF.

I'm not an ogre, and do not object to the odd question here and there.

I DO object to the WHOLE quiz being done here, however.

SO, gang up all you like, call me RIDICULOUS, but seriously, what's the point of a quiz if everyone just gets the answers here?

It's not a quiz then is it?

I also know of one quizmaster that is aghast that all his answers are given away...........ho hum.....that's ok then?

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And I will also add that whilst there seems to be a boon in quizzes, it will very quickly fall by the wayside once people realise there is NO POINT in working hard for the answers.

Those that pat themselves on the back for supporrting a charity (and there are a couple of you!) may want to think about just giving them some money!!! Rather than spoiling a quiz by cheating.

You have your opinions and I have mine.

I don't like how this site is, but I can't stop it.

Why do you use this site if you don't like how it is run.

I like everybody else work hard at trying to solve the questions regardless of whether it is a charity quiz or the newspaper. It is the fun and the challenge we do it for, not the prizes.
I am sorry if you feel ganged up against but then you must have known that would happen when you submitted your question. But perhaps that is what you wanted.

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Oh for goodness sake Jenny!

I use this site because it comes up on google giving every answer away!

I joined to say how concerned I was.

I'm not in the slightest bit bothered about cryptic paper quizzes...............

There seems to be no merit any more in being a little bit better, or working a little bit harder.

I will say again.......I know one quiz setter who is most unhappy that all his answers can be found on this site.

What's the point in setting a quiz the answers all appear here?

The only people arguing against my view are people that regularly cheat to finish a quiz..........

Those on my side don't need this site.

So why, Beth, if you feel as strongly as you do, have you actually given answers to some of these quizzes?

You are, I think, completely wrong if you think such quizzes will fall by the wayside - why would they when, via this site, they can flourish and grow and charities of all sorts gain by them? I am sorry you know of one quiz setter who is not happy that the answers to his quiz are being given away but if the charity he has written the quiz for gains, is he really that put out? Somehow, I doubt it.

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Let's just watch all of you that have subscribed to this thread come out!

Just know that you couldn't do a quiz if it hit you in the face.............make your excuses "it's for charity so any thing goes" but that's not what is suppossed to be about.

A QUIZ is a QUIZ, it is a challenge.

I suggest you all go on supporting the charities of your choice, as I will.

I would send in an incomplete quiz rather than post 10 questions on here. Surely even you can see that that is wrong?

I see that the bee hasn't managed to escape from your bonnet over the past few days Beth.

I'm assuming that the quiz setter who doesn't like his questions being answered on this site, doesn't advertise their quiz for sale on AB, that really would be double standards wouldn't it?

I am quite sure that for every one like him there are dozens more that are quite happy for the extra money raised and publicity for their charity that this site brings (myself included).

I will take up your suggestion and carry on supporting the charities I want and will NOT be shamed into refusing to ask for help if needed, as the vast majority of people on AB are a wonderful, friendly group who are only too happy to help. Thankfully, people like you are in the minority.
You have not answered my questions, Beth.

1) Why have you yourself answered such quiz questions if you are so against their being answered on this site?

2) Why would such quizzes fall by the wayside when they are being more advertised than ever, via this site?

You say that 'this is not what it is supposed to be about' when people argue that the main point of the quizzes is that the charity gains - so what is the point, Beth? These quizzes, by their very nature, are written expressly to gain money for a charity - they simply would not be written if the quiz setter did not want to raise a little money for the charity of his or her choice. If some people have a little fun doing the quiz, then that is great but that fun is secondary to the raising of money for the charity.

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