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I Know It's A While Yet To Christmas But If You're Starting To Think Of Getting A Few Gifts In Early...

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sandyRoe | 14:06 Mon 09th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers could worse than these. Do you know someone who'd like one?


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not for me.
Nor me either!
not for me and mrs cuddles but then we don't do xmas its just 2 days off work far as we are concerned

The "C" word really should be restricted to

especially if it's linked to horrors like that!
Not my cup of tea, sorry
No thanks sandy
Question Author
I've just realised that this could be classified as spam. Politically motivated spam, but spam nonetheless. Hope nobody reports it.
If I was given this as a present, I would not be impressed!
I think I'll decline, Sandy.
Do hope nobody sends me those for Christmas, or any other occasion.
Only 15 Saturdays to go! Woohoo! :)
I thought it was going to be a nine-month calendar for those infanticipating (as Time magazine used to put it). But it looks like an excellent tribute to all those who struggle to achieve justice for the working man (including those in the past whose struggles got people the sort of pay they have now).
I am Sandy I read all of your posts but yours needs to be deleted. People are suffering so much every day that Christmas seems to be so far away. Sorry - can't even stand watching Hayley episode (corrie) cos my friend has been fighting for 4 years. Sorry Sandy bye bye bye for good -
Bye for good? Are you leaving us? Again?
I can't open the link. What is it?

It is

//LabourStart's first-ever Global Labour Calendar includes 12 stunning full-color images of current labour struggles plus dozens of dates from labour history -- including birthdays of key figures from the labour movement.///
It's a calender...

"LabourStart's first-ever Global Labour Calendar includes 12 stunning full-color images of current labour struggles plus dozens of dates from labour history -- including birthdays of key figures from the labour movement."
ummmm - am leaving black depression again - who wants to be reminded of xmas so soon when we are trying to gain a little summer Conne
I don't understand what you mean. I don't understand your emotions. I don't understand why a calender of 'Labour struggles' and as 'jno put it..

"But it looks like an excellent tribute to all those who struggle to achieve justice for the working man (including those in the past whose struggles got people the sort of pay they have now)."

Why is that upsetting you?
Perhaps I dont really want to face Xmas at all. Would that help you????

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I Know It's A While Yet To Christmas But If You're Starting To Think Of Getting A Few Gifts In Early...

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