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Stabbings in London.

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Abdulmajid | 18:51 Sat 24th May 2008 | News
42 Answers
I bet my house, my car, my pension, my endowments, and my life that the offender is, let's say, not white.

Anybody wish to lay my bet off?


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I don't know which events you are interested in but you may be struggling if you are referring to the stabbings in Sidcup last night.
I would have bet the same but i live very close to sidcup, and know it very well,the chances of the knifer being black are pretty slim, not too many there , yet ! but its still an indictment of white kids adopting yet another ugly and distastful feature of black rap gangsta culture.

ah bless them, it might alienate them

tough schitt then, its because of the bleedin heart do gooder lefties like this that we have these problems with knives and guns on our streets, instead of letting the police stamp down on the scum roaming the streets they would rather pamper them .

lets not forget it was P.C. pandering to blacks that stopped the various stop and search laws in the first place
Violent crime is falling in Britain: 3.asp
haha how old do you sound. its just black rap gangsta culture?? its just culture and society in general, nothing is sacred we live in a meaningless throwaway society and people just dont respect one another or even care what they are doing. people move about too much to get to know their neighbours so there is no solidarity in a neighbourhood. its life nowadays thats it.
It's all the fault of Europe innit ?

first white kids started dressing like blacks and then they started talking like them and now.... you dont need me to spell out the rest its plain to see

the truth is always a bitter pill to swallow.
Isnt Sidcup a nice leafy suburb on the outskirts of London? Bazwillrun has local knowledge and says the area is predominately white. As blacks make up a very small percentage of UKs population the Abdulmajid must be mad to offer up a bet like that.
I believe - seriously and genuinely - that Britain has to readjust with respect to gun/knife/gang culture. It is part of life for black youth, and we can't stop that, neither can we put them all in prison. We have just to accept that it is the way they are, and let them get on with it. Hopefully they will keep the killings "in house", then the more the better.
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If the police spent more time using "stop and search" tactics than fooking about nicking motorists then these "Gangsta N!ggers" would think twice about carrying weapons

Jail them for at least 5 years for a knife and 10 for a gun

Nearly every police programme on Sky is about traffic cops driving round nicking untaxed and speeding motorists, how about one which actually shows them doing a stop and search on these gangs, and to see them actually doing something to stop these bastads killing each other
I think it is fine if they DO kill each other.

Black youths kill each other, an unchangeable fact. Look to Jamaica, Nigeria, for what is happening on Britain's streets. Provided they kill each other, then let them get on with it.
Fair enough, let them kill each other, but we have to put up with the families on the news claiming " Leeroy was a good boy"
Leeroy may well have been a good boy, a saint, and it only emerges when he has been stabbed.

All I can say is that sitting on the train, watching the smoking drinking feet-on-the-seat hooded slouching dumb insolent looking teenage "hero", I just realised that I didn't care and I don't care.

There is only one answer, WHY are the blacks here in the first place, and who was responsible for letting them in?
Yep - knife culture has been brought in by the blacks: es/may/18/newsid_2511000/2511245.stm

1964: Mods and Rockers jailed after seaside riots
Scores of youths have been given prison sentences following a Whitsun weekend of violent clashes between gangs of Mods and Rockers at a number of resorts on the south coast of England.

Yesterday two youths were taken to hospital with knife wounds and 51 were arrested in Margate after hundreds of teenagers converged on the town for the holiday weekend.

Dr George Simpson, chairman of Margate magistrates, jailed four young men and imposed fines totalling �1,900 on 36 people.

Three offenders were jailed for three months each and five more sent to detention centres for up to six months.


In Brighton, two youths were jailed for three months and others were fined.

More than 1,000 teenagers were involved in skirmishes on the beach and the promenade last night.

They threw deckchairs around, broke them up to make bonfires, shouted obscenities at each other and at passers-by, jostled holidaymakers and terrified elderly residents.

At about 1300 BST Mods and Rockers gathered at the Palace Pier chanting and jeering at each other and threw stones when police tried to disperse them.

The teenagers staged a mass sit-down on the promenade when police, using horses and dogs, tried to move them on.

In Margate, there were running battles between police and up to 400 youths on the beach early yesterday morning. Bottles were thrown and two officers were slightly hurt.

Later, on the high street, around 40 young men smashed council flat windows and vandalised a pub and a hardware shop
Yes Vic, the examples you have carefully selected do indeed demonstrate that extreme violence is not the exclusive preserve of black people, nor can they be accused of specifically importing it to the UK.

However, to examine matters that are a little more recent, it seems (certainly in London and some other large cities) that the vast majority (though not all) of knife crime is perpetrated by black people and their victims are usually black. This does set you thinking when black people are still considerably in the minority in the country in general (though not, of course, in many of the inner city areas concerned).

The similarity of recent events with those of forty-odd years ago is that the victims and their assailants come from the same background. In the case of Mods and Rockers, they all knew the likely outcome when they set off on their adventures. The same might be said of the blacks as they roam around the areas where these unfortunate incidents take place.

From my (admittedly rather limited) knowledge of the Caribbean it seems that knife �culture� is more endemic among the male population there and this seems to have rubbed off onto their less well off cousins here, even though many of them are third or even fourth generation UK residents.
1950s mods and rockers; 1960s teddy boys and hells angels; 1970s football hooligans....

I blame the invention of the teenager. Lock em up at 12 and let them out at 25 - that should do it.

You could be correct on the basis that this particular murder has been reported in the press.

Other murders like

'the on average one woman a week killed by her male husband/partner'

'children murdered by their parents', averaging about 2.5 a month and

over all figures of approximately 770 murders a year, or 64 a month

don�t get a lot of coverage as it doesn't feed into the narrow minded, salacious, holier than thou attitude of the readership. I mean that humans kill other humans isn't going to sell papers, it needs a least moral panic to make it headline. The moral panic of young black men killing other young black men does make news even though the coverage is disproportionate. However such accuracy doesn't bother the newspapers or you and your like minded ABers.

"an individual's race or ethnicity is a very poor predictor of their likelihood of committing an act of violence. This apparent contradiction reflects the fact that homicide and other forms of serious violence are relatively rare events among all race and ethnic groups--in other words, we are more similar than different when it comes to the use of violence" Trouble is this quote is from research rather than sensationalism, can not compete really

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