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Cannibis abuse, 500 a week in Hospital...

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Loosehead | 09:56 Fri 11th Jan 2008 | News
140 Answers;jse ssionid=2UPTKNWORH1K5QFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/ news/2008/01/11/ncnbis111.xml

Is the halo slipping from the "Non addictive", "Harmless" fluffy Bunny wonder drug?

A prize for the first person to try and change the subject to booze!


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China, are you blind????????????

He started by saying he would give me pi55 to drink

Has referred to me as bowel

Has enquired about my stabbing in a saracastic post

There are more but these are just from memory.

The man is an insulting, immature drug fuelled orphan. Simple as that.
Sorry I had to chack.

referred to me as bellend

Wanted to give me a dangerous concocution of dope.

Yes, I am so bad aren't I?

"Blindness is not good for somebody who sees well"

Nick Griffin, 2002.
I have heard that THC is a good bronchodilator. Would be too scared to try it though, last thing you want to do when your airways are shutting down is smoke.
P * ss only if you asked for some
Bowel - I found funny, and I bet I wasn't alone
I only asked about your stabbbing
Put it in to context, you had just wished death on quite a few people which if you're going to base your opinon on a personal belief then you're going to personally offend some people.

He shouldn't have insulted you, you shouldn't have insulted him but you certainly shouldn't have brought his mother in to it. You've had that done to you enough times to know how hurtful and nasty it is.

So the pair of you agree to disagree but at least keep the debate reasonable eh? DOn't suppose for one minute Loosehead wants to come back to a load of 'he said,she said' now do you.
But he started it.

And my uncle is harder than his!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my trainers are better.

So up yours.
Yeah.... you kind of hit on the maturity level there of the argument. Glad you're seeing things my way again. Y'klnow, I've no idea why anyone ever thinks you're grumpy... ;0P
123s rubbish?
Part of the problem with this debate is the refusal on the part of plaintiffs to accept the experiences of others to reach their view point. I've seen friends lives destroyed, relationships with kids involved disappear due to weed YES weed! I read in The Sunday People only the other week about a lad who started on cannabis and sank lower and lower, he had an awful lot of other problems and the weed did'nt help, he got into other drugs after that, now he's clean and has his own business. I saw a post about someone having a revelation whilst high. You'll never find the answers at the bottom of a glass, or in a joint for that matter. If you must think about a problem then THE most important thing to do is do it whilst sober, sobrierty has a value all of its own. The phlegm I see pot heads chuck up when they spit at me (and others) could tarmac a road. Just because I disagree with you does'nt make it nonsense.
Paul I'm really sorry to hear about your mum, but do you not see the correlation?
Your mother drank too much to notice, but if you spoke to her about it I suppose she'd say she was alright, that she can cope, that she could stop if she wants to and that you're all talking rubbish...
Goodsoul I certainly wouldn't recommend it over here unless you were certain of the source, unfortunately much of the trade is controlled by criminals and medicinal users generally have to suffer - in Holland with a vapouriser I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it
I see what you are saying everton, but the problem is when you are the person using cannabis you are bound to poo poo any notions that cannabis is anything other than safe.

Whenever you have these debates its the people that are regular users that vehemently defend it, You will never get your point across until they see life from a different perspective.

I used to smoke 11 years ago, whilst being a smoker I had a similar attitude, its a form of self denial because you dont want to give up the habit and you dont want to hear that it might be bad for you, therefore its a pointless argument, because you are essentially talking to a wall! (no offence guys)
What a load of cack. I have a friend who is an ex heroin addict she would and has never defended her habit. I smoke now and would never condone it, I'm not denying anything, it's bad for me and I know it is and factually it's a darn sight more harmful than pot. I drink and I drink responsibly, 99 % of the time so as I am not alcoholic I can defend it. I smoke pot less than I drink and I will condone my smoking because I smoke responsibly, one joint (because thats all I could handle) every now and then is a)safe for me and b) probably makes me a regular user in your eyes.
Not all drug users are addicts. I don;t drive, I wouldn't smoke pot with my kids in the house, they would have to be away. Yet for some reason, anyone who smokes pot is scum. My main concerns smoking pot are the ethics of its origins and to be honest so should the government.
I think what most of us 'users' are not saying is go out, try it, you'll look really cool, it's good for you... but what we are saying is that if you are going to have an opinion on it , then at least let it be an informed one.
Im not going to argue goods, If you enjoy what you are doing and you are not hurting anyone then carry on. I dont feel the need for any, I get my highs by playing sport.
I think some of the earlier opinions in the thread were informed?!
Caz - They were well thought out and drew from personal experience and as such left room for agreement/disagreement or debate. Your answer came across as rather santimonious if you don't mind my saying so which I thought was rather uncharacteristic of you.
sorry china, my sister just told me her cat had died today, and I have been troubleshooting my uni access this evening.

sorry if I have offended anyone, Im not having a good week yet :S
No worries m'dear, just didn't sound like yourself. Hope everything gets sorted.
and I sounded rude on reading that back, which wasn;t my intention. I think I need China to follow me round saying stuff for me diplomatically when I have left the room in the real too.
Group hug!

Now behave the lot of you... it's tiring for a sarky, nowty cow to be the voice of reason and it doesn't come easily to me. (GS... go check your damn PM's)
Trouble is for every Jimi Hendrix or Janis Joplin (both died very young) there's 1000s of wasted lives.
For every artistic soul enliveved in a drink or drug enduced stupor there's 1000s selling their bodies, destroying their bodies, their lives and robbing our property.
Bob Marley must have had access to the freshest purest gange on Earth, died of mouth cancer at a very young age (any connection?) but according to Dr. Paul at least he had the lungs of a pearl diver! ;-)
I used to smoke but I never advised others (or even my then fiance) to take it up, some users do and some users don't try to get others on it.
Any addict who can afford their poison presents no problems. I know several alcoholics, and I deal with many more druggies (guess whose acquaintance I'd sooner suffer).
But Paul I'm still waiting to hear why you feel you're not heading down a the same path of your mother, as you both seem to need "stimulants" to get through the day. I think you even said earlier that weed kept you away from harder drugs!! That's no reccomendation.
The truth is drawn from whatever well you find it in.

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