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Lindylou | 14:31 Fri 07th Sep 2007 | News
144 Answers
Have just heard that the Portugese police are intending to charge Kate McCann in connection with Madeline's disappearance. Is this anything to do with the DNA evidence that was sent for examination in the UK? Anyway, I can't believe that either parent had anything to do with it. What do other AB'ers think?


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I hope she's alive to legendduo but realisticly i think its highly unlikely,if she is alive i cant bare to imagine what she's feeling. One mistake of leaving her alone just because they didnt want to disturb her sleeping routine has led to this,really sad,such an easy mistake many parents have done
Im wrapped up in it too weal,just want her to be found. I wouldnt be able to breathe without my children,yet again i wouldnt leave them alone in a foreign country.They must be guilt ridden
I think unfortunately she is dead. I thought that a few weeks after she disappeared. Everyone is right when they say that we should not judge anyones guilt and I agree to a point. It is natural to speculate and we all want to 'be proved right' when or if the truth ever gets out. The only thing I will say is that I started to feel uncomfortable with the continuing calmness of both parents. With missing children, you do see parents looking absolutely devastated on screen and completely broken. There has been no sign of that here, but perhaps they both are just very strong people? My feelings are that both or one parent has somehow been involved in this, but of course I could be completely wrong, it is just my gut feeling.
Great thread by the way, well done everyone for sensible posting, apologies if I sound patronising!!!
sue11, not patronising at all, I agree 100%, its touched the whole world
The only time I have posted previously on a Madeline question was to criticise the parents.I have not joined in speculation because of the lack of information.
However, one thing has bothered me from day one and if I was the police officer in charge it would be always at the back of my mind. Why in a holiday area where daily there must be hundreds of kids out and about, would an abductor risk entering an apartment in a busy holiday complex and take a child who at any time may waken and scream the place down. Abductions by strangers from dwellings are extremely rare and high risk to the perpetrator.

Secondly, I have seen this mentioned on other sites but not on AB. Is it possible that Madeline was suffering from CHARGE syndrome. The most common symptom is eye defect, often giving a keyhole effect. The second most common symptom is heart defect. tm

people cope in different ways. I for one, am the sort of person that has to deal with the situation and grieve later and so i can understand why there have been no tears from the mcCanns. I honestly dont believe they had anything to do with madeleines disappearance but that doesnt mean im right! People (and i dont just mean people on here voicing an opinion) are too quick to judge without knowing all the facts. The reality is that there is a little girl missing and she needs to be found whether it be dead or alive. Im sure there will be plenty of time for judging the people involved at a later date. In the meantime please think of the poor girl at the centre of all this.
so with this charge syndrome, i suppose you could rule out the story thats being doing the rounds that the parents had given her a sedative. if the heart has a defect, more risk than its worth?
When my gran died, my mum - without thinking - rang me at work to tell me and got throught to my boss who took me into a meeting room and broke the bad news. I wailed the place down and was given a lift home from a colleague as I struggled to take it in, as it had been quite sudden. The following day, much to the surprise of my family and colleagues, I headed into work as normal and carried on regardless. This caused a huge rift in my family with certain family members accusing me of being a hard faced bitch who obviously did not care for her gran. This could not have been further from the truth but it was my way of coping. I needed to be busy, to throw myself into work rather than sit about wallowing in misery and self pity, surrounded by my gran's memories. Some of my colleagues felt uncomfortable by my presence simply because they didn't know what to say to me and some couldn't understand quite WHY I was there but my boss told me that she would have done the same.

People cope with grief in different ways and as has already been mentioned, these are doctors who are used to steeling themselves to conduct themselves in a clinical manner and I don't doubt for a single moment that they do not grieve privately. The pain is etched on their faces for all to see and it evidently took it's toll on Gerry McCann when he stormed out of the television interview, fuelling further speculation but let's not forget that they have two other children whom they must stay strong for.

Sadly for some, until evidence of overpouring of grief, hand wringing and perhaps a mental breakdown, is displayed then they will be considered guilty of one of the most heinous crimes which a parent can commit against their child.

this is for all the t0ssers who say her parents have shown no regret over the wee girls disappearance
Sorry, bit confused -did Wardy post?
Although I agree with most of what has been said in these answer's, I must admit I have looked VERY closely at the Mc Canns, in most of the latest news exerts. There is NO sign of grief, NONE. When my Mother, and later my Father died, I couldn't openly show any at all. But at night afterwards (both times), I missed them, and cried, I was in my fifties, and it didn't affect me so much. Had it been my Son, It would have been a different matter. To loose a child, must be devastating, and one so young and pretty, AND STILL, NOT A SIGN. NOT EVEN A RED EYE, OR SIGNS OF LOST SLEEP. I am not accusing them, I blame them full on. I do not feel sorry for them, If they have pain, I'm GLAD. I was 72 last month, and everytime I see that little girls face, it brings tears to my eyes. I did put an answer in some time ago, that I thought she was dead. I do hope I'm wrong.
Sorry JohnLB, you must have typed in, as I was typing. Ever heard of 'acting' and 'onion'. What will you think, if us ******* turn out to be right. I watched your link, and I'm still not convinced.
I disagree, Kate looks like a broken,shattered, maybe guilty (conscience) woman and maybe, just maybe, they are treating her as a suspect to get to the truth - knowing she is the one who will crack first, he on the other hand looks calm and composed in every news shot I've seen him, whilst she looks like the world is on her shoulders, he looks very collected, could just be man not showing his inner feelings of course and perhaps holding it all together for her, I don't know....but theres too many unanswered questions.....
I was always supsicious of the parent's comportment, very controlled & edgey especially the mother. Coupled with 0 leads after several months this new development doesn't surprise me. The UK seems to be producing a steady stream of 'sickos' like this who crave publicity.
Their website has donations now over 1 Million Pounds; if they are found guilty these monies should be refunded to the rather niave people who contributed it.
I just think yhis whole thing is deteriorating from the sublime to the ridiciulous.

In answer to Legend, no, I alwaways thought Murat was innocent, the Police clutching at straws.

As for the supposed blood found in the hire car, i'm no expert, but surely, if the parents did kill Maddie. according to the police, Accidently by medication, there's no wound, so no blood, and also, after all this time, if there had been a wound, it would have dried by the time they hired it.

Not forgetting, that the Police were saying for some time before this 'blood' was found, that they believed the parents had something to do with the disappearence.

This whole thing stinks of Police incompetance.

I do not believe that her parents had anything to do with Maddie's disappearance. It seems like a desperate last throw of the dice by a seemingly inept police force.

Have a look at this link, then see if you still feel that the police in Portugal are doing a good job.,,2005320001- 2007411009,00.html
If they are indeed charged and go to court for her "accidental death" (let me just remind myself that there isn't actually a body to confirm that she is dead) then will a jury find them guilty purely because they havent broken down and sobbed their souls out in front of the tv cameras???? I think that while they firmly believe that Madeleine is alive somewhere then they are clinging to that hope and its that thats getting them through all this. the "not knowing" is a terrible thing. At least if if they could find her, dead or alive, then her parents would have the answer theyre looking for, while they don't know for sure, theyre always going to have hope. They must wake up every morning thinking is this going to be they day they find her?? Lets not lose sight of the fact that they do have two year old twins to look after too and that is surely another driving force for them.. Life has to go on as normally as possible for these other two chhildren. Give them a break until such a time theres any evidence to find them guilty
People who speak of the McGann's not showing any visible grief etc.

Is there a suggestion then that even if they had killed their child by accident that they were so brazen and unconcerned that it was reason enough not to mourn or be distraught.

If you'd just accidentally killed your young child, I'm guessing that the grief would be even more profound.

But i accept that they may be the kind of people who do their grieving behind closed doors.
This tragic event could have been completely avoided if the parents had been with their children. CHILDREN OF THAT AGE SHOULD NEVER BE LEFT ALONE

their rellies keep saying the mc canns had nothing to do with what has happened to their the chuff do they know that? I have posted knows someone else 100%. How often have we seen in the past mums and dads at press conferences begging for their abducted child to be returned to them when in reality it has been those very parents who harmed the child? many times.

There is only one person who truly knows what has happened to this beautiful child and that is Maddy herself.....and of course she is not around to tell us.....wherever she is I hope she is calm and peaceful.

One thing that has always puzzled me in this is that I gather that a free babysitting service is available where they were staying............why did the parents not use this??!!
because they didnt trust a stranger apparently.

Straying down shouldnt have left her alone path always leads to nastiness towards other members here on the Maddie threads, I think thats why it has barely been metnioned.

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