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Oneeyedvic | 11:52 Thu 23rd Mar 2006 | News
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Norman Kember has been released - good news all around!


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.'s always nice to hear of at least one happy ending! Good luck to him and his family.
Isn�t it great, don�t think they released him though, wasn�t he rescued? I remember when the deadline went by and people thought he�d been killed. What a great ending and his family must be over the moon :-)
Brilliant news, but I thought he must have been mad to go into Iraq in the first place, It would have been a miracle if he hadn't been kidnapped.
Blimey - that's great news. Can you imagine how his family must be feeling right now? Good on them...really pleased.

And, once again I've heard the question asked, ''Why do these people go to Iraq? The old man was a Philosophy proffessor, have the Iraqis a need for Philosophers?

As usual there was no answer forthcoming. So I ask again Why go to Iraq if you have no special skills that could be of use ?

It appears that the resue claim is stretching the imagination a bit. They were found in a place with no minders and no shot was fired. Reid obviously took all the credit and made it out as if a big operation yielded the results for the british part of the contingent.All in all very good news. I hope and trust he was treated well by his captors and in the long run bears them no ill will. answer to your general question about why people go on this so called charitable missions to dangerous places (not talking about Kember here mind)??.... The money and expense accounts that you can draw from is not too bad.....

I take it that this time, captive and rescuers were not shot at by US troops as they sped back to safety?
Good ol Norm! I bet he has got a story to tell!
Great news instead of the usual doom and gloom. Really good to hear, hope he's doing well and will be home soon
The man is obviously a good soul with a very strong belief in christianity, he went out to Iraq to try and help but ended up being a hostage and nearly killed, I would be very curious what his opinion of Iraqies and Islam is now after his ordeal, I could hazard a guess but I could be wrong so I won't!
Well if he's a proper Christian madein he'll turn the other cheek surely won't he? Surely no Christian will bear anyone of a different faith any ill will, I mean isn't that against Christ's teachings and we all know how tolerant history has shown us Christians are to those of other faiths?
Meiden, Help how? Why can I get no answer to my question?
Its very good news he got rescued,but to be quite honest what the f.... was he doing there in the first place,he should have been refused a flight,he put our troops at risk all the time they were looking for him,maybe people should think a lot harder about going to places like this in future.
Did any of you get a bit bored of hearing about him? I'm not saying I wish he'd been killed, I just think it wasn't exactly 'news' after the first fortnight.
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"What was he doing there"...

If it wasn't for people standing up for their beliefs, this world would be even worse. These sort of people make sure that crimes such as Abu Grahib come out.

"what the f.... was he doing there in the first place,he should have been refused a flight,he put our troops at risk all the time they were looking for him,maybe people should think a lot harder about going to places like this in future"

On its website, the organisation says volunteers are aware of the risks and that "CPT does not advocate the use of violent force to save lives of its workers" even if they are kidnapped or held hostage.

It would be rather nice if he thanked the armed forces for risking their lives to free him..instead of god who didnt do a great deal to help..dont get me wrong i am glad he is released but he has put other lives in danger through his being taken hostage..brave men have rescued him and god should not come into it...I hope he doesnt return to iraq ...
Oneye, But what was he volunteering FOR ! Sorry to shout but my question is not rhetorical, I really want to know.

I find it difficult to comprehend, nox, if someone held me hostage and held a gun to my head, I would find forgiveness or compassion a hard thing to summon up, I'am a christian, but I certainly wouldn't feel very nice towards my captors, I greet hostility with hostility.

Hi Brionon, I think Norman Kember was initialy there to try and help with a certain community, to set up their own support and work through with their own prayer and using their own language to help them get strength. It was not about introducing christianity or such like and he was apparently only going for 2 wks and then reporting back on what was needed or could be needed to help the people that needed that help and support, and from wherever or whatever source it came from.

I'm sure you would madein, in fact I was sure of it, but none the less that is against Christian teaching is it not and since he was there for religious humanitarian reasons it would be a little hypocritical of him to be praising his God on one hand and not bothering to fully take on board the teachings of the same person whose word he spreads.How do you personally reconcile your own shortcomings with your faith, or do you pick and mix which parts of the scriptures you feel apply to you?

I have always found it a very common trait amongst a lot of deep seated Christians that they are more judgemental and unforgiving than almost any other group when that is clearly against the doctrine that Christ gave you.It's not intended as an insult, I would genuinely like to know as I've seen agreat deal of this where I grew up but it's obviously not a problem just common to there (Belfast).

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