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Perhaps We Should Consider Not Using A Muslim Airline The Next Time?

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anotheoldgit | 15:14 Wed 30th Aug 2017 | News
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///because the pilot may well be a UK citizen///

Do you know this as a fact Andy
or is it an erroneous conclusion based on previously advised prejudice?
Baldric - // ///because the pilot may well be a UK citizen

Do you know this as a fact Andy //

No I don't - the use of the words 'may well be ...' are the clue to the answer to that question.

// .. or is it an erroneous conclusion based on previously advised prejudice? //

It's not a conclusion - of any sort - please refer to the previous point.

You are taking two and two and making twenty-two, and then making a serious hash of trying to challenge me when I pick you up on it.

You will have to do better than that.

"May well be" is the giveaway, baldric.
It must be true if only for the reason that an Express worker was tasked with reporting this instead of more 20th anniversary sainted Diana bilge.
They don't give that space up lightly

/// and then making a serious hash of trying to challenge me when I pick you up on it. You will have to do better than that///

What on Earth gives you the impression that you are important enough that I would wish to spend more time engaging with you, to be fair AB is not all about AH whatever you may think.
Baldric - you have no idea what I think about my relevance to the AB - but making sweeping incorrect statements without any evidence is a market you appear to have cornered.

I am happy to accept my victory in our exchange, and move on.
perhaps we should consider not using a Muslim airline the next time ?

erm yeah OK - when was the last time you used one ?

Misr Air- EgyptAirline is pretty terrible TBH
Emiraat have a good reputation
There is no such thing as a 'Muslim airline' - that would make BA a 'Christian airline' since it's a fair bet that the majority of its employees are nominally Christian.

The whole premise is farcical.

@ 20:42, you're welcome Andy, your pomposity bothers me not one iota.
Possibly even Farsi cal
Baldric - and your inability to construct a cogent argument doesn't bother me either, so we are all square.

Onwards ...
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/// They are hooves running up behind you, but this time, it's a zebra. ///

May I presume it is of the African variety?

/// I disagree because the pilot may well be a UK citizen, ///

Oh so you can make assumptions then?

I'd wager a bet that the pilot, rather than being a British citizen who is employed to fly for a Muslim majority country's airline, is actually Turkish and a Muslim to boot, care to take my bet?

May I presume it is of the African variety?

As opposed to a Zebra from.......?
AOG - // Oh so you can make assumptions then? //

Making assumptions is not a problem - stating opinions as facts when they are not known to be facts, is.

// I'd wager a bet that the pilot, rather than being a British citizen who is employed to fly for a Muslim majority country's airline, is actually Turkish and a Muslim to boot, care to take my bet? //

Interesting, your 'Muslim airline' has suddenly become a Muslim majority country's airline' - which is factual, and steers away from your previous stance.

The nationality and religion of the pilot are not known to be the reasons why he refused to take the passenger, so excuse me if I ignore your sidestepping attempt to pretend you were not found to be in error with your 'facts'.
As it happens, that airline employs a lot of foreign pilots as they had a large expansion a few years ago so there is a good chance the pilot wasn't a local
237SJ - Careful, you are trampling all over peoples' instant conclusions with your facts!
A good friend of mine is a Captain for them. He probably knows who the pilot was (I might ask him, just to be nosey)
Yes the airline website indicates most staff are from outside Turkey, the majority of those from the americas, so 'muslim airline' doesn't really stack up........
237SJ - Please do - some factual information will provide a nice balance to the conclusion-jumping that is featuring on the thread so far.
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/// As opposed to a Zebra
from.......? ///

Obviously went right over your head, perhaps a little too subtle for you Zacs.

Read AH's 20:05 Wed 30th Aug 2017

Still not got it, still never mind, I did at lease try.

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