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Why Is This? It Never Happened In 'my Day'.

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anotheoldgit | 14:33 Tue 08th Jan 2013 | News
88 Answers

In Britain we may not have anything like India's brutality to women, thank goodness, but then I don't think India's teachers have to endure the same treatment as our teachers apparently do.

/// One of the most notorious attacks on a teacher happened at Westminster City School in 2004 when a teacher was raped by Dwayne Best, then a 15-year-old pupil, as she was marking books in a classroom. ///

/// In January last year, a boy of 10 was arrested over a vicious attack on two women teachers in Orpington which left one with a broken leg. ///

/// “I was quite scared, especially because of the kind of community I was working in. Outside school the knife culture was happening. We were worried about repercussions when you left the building. Kids used to say, ‘Wait until after school’ and ‘Watch what is going to happen’.” ///


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Assaulting and threatening children with physical violence 'might not have been very PC'

Yes joeluke. Well spotted.
Having a blackboard rubber/chalk/pen thrown at them would hardly cause a pupil lifelong trauma

.......and as for the cane, well, I took worse from my father
JL, both wrong in my opinion, violence is never the answer, not to a child or another adult.
*.......and as for the cane, well, I took worse from my father*

Yes, and look what happened to you. A sexist homophobe that condones bullying and violence.
^ I don't condone 'bullying and violence' actually

It's called discipline

discipline by hitting someone, that doesn't make sense.
So Joeluke, you're at work and do something wrong - would you prefer a written/verbal warning or should your supervisor just clip you round the head?
^ I'd rather she put me over her knee
Scaring someone into doing something you want/request is bullying. Hitting someone for not doing what you want/request is violence.
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/// If you look at the 'big picture' objectively, you must acknowledge that a society which suffers the occasional stabbing or classroom rape is doing a much better job by its citizens than one which sends off tens of thousands to die on foreign battlefields or suffers its civilians to hide in shelters while their streets and playgrounds become places of mass destruction. ///

That is just stating the obvious, almost like saying would you rather walk down a dark street with a very likelihood of being stabbed or mugged, or walk down the same street in the middle of an air raid?

Or if we could avoid war, on conditions that we accept civil disobedience, along with street crimes of stabbings and shootings, we should count our blessings.
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/// hitting a child is never an option, either in the home or at school, it just shows that you haven't got the answer, and have resorted to violence. ///

I totally agree I am no ogre, even though some would wish to label me so.

But remarking on those words " it just shows that you haven't got the answer", they are just empty words, because it is plainly obvious that we haven't the 'answer'.

Many contributors on this thread, have continued to focus on the emotional aspects of 'Children being Beaten', 'Violence', and 'smacking' etc yet no one has yet chosen to come up with an answer to this very serious modern day problem.

So I ask again, "anyone got the answer"? Simple enough question, but it has got a very difficult answer.
Children need to be taught respect and manners from day one. You can achieve this by talking to them and explaining things to them.

Hitting is not usually a punishment for them it's because the person doing the hitting has lost control.

I think their should be more parenting classes.
in school it should be time out, a total ban on anything that interests the child, that includes all sports. Detention till they get the message.
Ban on all mobile phones, i pod whilst in schools as well, i don't understand why they would be allowed anyways.
I don't believe that corporal punishment has ever worked, if it did, why do so many people say they still continued to play up, were naughty or downright bad.
indeed there should be parenting classes, maybe it is nanny state, but it seems to me that the neglectful, don't care parent could be made to see that their actions have a long term negative effect on their child.
You learn by example. If you had bad parents how do you know how to be a good one? It's not a nanny state, it's teaching people. If you spent a lifetime being screamed at by your parents you might need to be taught that this is not a productive way to teach your child right from wrong.
AOG, yes it is a very difficult question to answer, many people dont know the answer, it is those that need to resort to hitting and smaking.

In my case I think the most important thing is "respect" if children are not taught respect they will never grow up to be decent people and their children will never have respect for their parents. I always had great respect for my Mother (not my Father for different reasons) she never hit me but always explained and lectured me about the rights and wrongs and the consequences of my actions, it does sink in!! A slap or a belting has little effect and is soon forgotten about with very little learned. My Mother rarely even raised her voice, once my actions brought my Mother to tears, that is when my life started turning around, that is when I started looking at the consequences of my actions. A belting would have just hardened me!
Shouting doesn't work either. Who takes in information when it's shouted at you.

If my mother raised her voice we knew we'd pushed her too far and promptly shut up...
I was at school from 1940 untill 1950 and never witnessed or heard of any attack on any teacher.Teachers were treated with the respect they deserved.
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Thank you Dennis yet another solitary voice from the distant past, the days before the need for counselling, social workers, parenting classes and other liberal thinkers.

We may have not had as much as the kids of today, but we respected our parents, teachers, policemen even park keepers, and I can never remember any of them seriously physically assaulting us or us them.

Yes a harsh word and if exceptionally misbehaved an occasional clip around the ears from our parents, a lash out with his cape from the local bobby, a good yelling of "Keep off the Grass" or stop standing up on the swings from the park keeper, and of course the threat of the cane from our school masters, all proved to keep us in our place.

Neither of them to be over dramatically confused with 'child abuse', 'beating a child black & blue' or causing them any physical harm whatsoever.

We were not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but sex, knifings, and shootings were very far from our minds, we called adults Mr or Mrs, never by their first names, and our teachers Sir, or Miss, we were unaware of their martial status, in fact we didn't consider them like ordinary folk.

And most importantly we especially respected old folk, although at times we did not agree with their reasoning and views, but we took it on-board that they had lived much longer than we had, so consequently had much more experience of life than we had obtained.

How different it is today, where the young think that they are always right and the whole world revolves around them.

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