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He's the only 'black in the village'.

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anotheoldgit | 14:21 Thu 19th Apr 2012 | News
15 Answers

Now this is truly racism in all it's most disgusting and offensive way.

I wonder what abusive words this 'alleged' racist would have used if his ex girlfriend had run off with a white man?


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Not sure I understand your question AOG. Can you spell it out for us thicko lefties.
What a horrible man, made my skin crawl to read it.
depends. Do you have a copy of this "village code of conduct"? It might be quite a good read.
AOG - I get what you're saying...

Had his ex-wife's new partner had been white, Mr Burley would no doubt have found some other character flaw to attack - such as lack of education, being 'new money', being short, or cross-eyed.

Hell hath no fury like a man scorned.
I must have a look and see if our Village has a Code of Conduct.
Actually, I’m really pleased that few here are up in arms over this idiotic man’s brainless antics. Yesterday we were talking about ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ and ‘Love Thy Neighbour’, in which of course, the bigots, who were allowed to say what they were thinking, were always portrayed as complete fools and were always the butt of the joke. I can’t help wondering what would have happened if we’d carried on ridiculing them instead of attempting to silence them by taking their ignorant stupidity seriously. I strongly suspect that programmes like that would have served to educate people, and racism would not be quite such an issue today. It’s just a thought.
You're not wrong Naomi.
I suspect it's simply a stick he has chosen to use to beat the new lover. Vile and uncalled for, but that is all the underlying reason is.

Of course, one problem is still that many people still have racist feelings, particlualry in non suburban areas. You can make all the laws you like but all it does is generally silence them, the thoughts do not go away and, if anything, will fester away and become greater.

It is education, time and understanding, on both sides, that will eventually end this madness. To be honest I dont believe high profile reporting like this serves any purpose. The racists will revel in it and the anti racists will also take comfort. No one gains.
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Got it in one sp.

The human race takes on various methods of abuse and actions, when they are angry, annoyed, or generally p1ssed off with something or someone.

At the extreme, take what is happening in the Middle East.
I'm in agreement with youngmafbog on this - the high level reporting only serves to allow everyone to get into a lather, which ever side of the argument they support.

Which is why I shall say no more on this thread about it.
What village code, heavens sake this is absurd. Seems a vile man, enough said.
I am not condoning what he said or did (if he did this, indeed it was vile). However, a verdict has yet to reached and he might be not guilty.

Let the courts decide and then, if guilty, release your justified bile on him. Until then hold back, just in case. The Yates case in Bristol and the mistaken views of the Landlord so vitriolically expressed at times on here, should be a salutory and timely reminder that we are not in possession of all the facts - and that there can be two sides to a story.
I remember a colleague from London who came home early from the union AGM in the 80's.................he said he felt uncomfortable as he seemed to be the only black person in Scarborough.
I think I should clarify my earlier point - whilst other insults would be directed at a white villager, I find this racist abuse *extra* disgusting because I find racism (together with anti-semitism and homophobia) just...sickening.

Dunno why - I just hate people who pick on minorities...especially when they have the gall to assume they speak for anyone else but themselves.

However, as has been pointed out - this chap hasn't actually been convicted, so we should not assume his...

...hang on - just thought of something...if he hasn't been convicted, shouldn't the Daily Mail be blocking comments on the story???
What I mean is - there are no comments now, but I could've SWORN the we're yesterday.

Am I losing the plot???

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He's the only 'black in the village'.

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