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Children in poverty?

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gouda | 12:28 Thu 03rd Jan 2008 | Current Affairs
10 Answers
187,000 children in london are said to be in poverty.
How can this be so in a country whose Benefit system is reputed to be the best in the world?
Is poverty not having Nikes, Playstation3, or a laptop computer?


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The poverty line is considered to be 60 percent of the average income for one person and a family of 4 have to be making twice that 60 % to be above it.

Benefits aren't that bad, a single mum with 2 kids in council accomodation could be comfortable(ish). It's still a tough job juggling the bills and shopping outside primark and new look is probably out of the question but not everyone heads into the benefit system straight away, some were working, took on debts they could afford whilst working etc etc and then they get farther and farther away from the poverty line.
There are also many, many pensioners in poverty but no one seems bothered to address this problem.

Giving some parents more money for their children to escape poverty just means the parents of these children will have even more cash to spend in the pub at the bookies or at bingo.

If the Goverment want the children to benefit ,then they should give vouchers, and not make it financially advantageous to produce even more children.
I agree with the point about vouchers. By giving the parents cash how do you know the children are being properly fed?
What makes me so angry are the couples who breed like rabbits and live off benefits. Lizzy and Mark Barbsley spring to mind. Arrrggghh!!!
I think Lizzy Bardsley's split up now. I know she got convicted of child cruelty last year (I think) and she was also convicted of benefit fraud. Says alot about our country when you can become famous and quite well paid for being vile and obnoxious.
I'm in favour of a work fair scheme were you have to pay in to take an amount out, I also believe marriage should form an intrinsic part of any child benefit system.
I'd make all claimants for unemployment benefit sign on before 0900 Monday to Friday to get their cheques daily. At least working people might not be kept awake by these lazy b@stards.
The face of "poverty" has changed in Britain, I saw some sights in Egypt several years ago, but to my mind I've never come across anyone in this country who was poor and did'nt deserve to be.
Lets throw wild accusations around about people on benefits...all looking to sit around on benfits for their rest of their lives and laugh at tax payers working hard whilst they dress in designer gear and cruise arounf the med.

Vouchers sound a great idea but for starters what if you budget things in different ways. What if you need to pay a bill from old off? What if you need new carpets? The crisis and budgeting loans would be useless because things would be in voucher form. Unfortunately, a little faith is needed in people. In America they have a food stamp sytem and that doesn't work, becuase people go out and sell these food stamps. If people will surpass their childrens need they will do it, vouchers wont stop that, only social workers and other care professionals can really help that.

Yes, Tigger, I know exactly what you mean but social housing is there for a reason. I know couple who had two girls living in a council house that was 2 bedroomed and she fell pregnant on the coil. She had no intention of having another kid, they had done their house up nicely, he had a good job but couldnt afford to get on the property ladder so was bniding his time to buy their house later on. With three kids(abortion was out of the question as she was 16 weeks when she found out and 19 weeks when dating scan was performed) they needed a bigger house, not everyone in council houses or on benefits are irresponsible.
OMG 123! Child cruelty! What did she do? Sick cow!!!
Dunno exactly (12 year old daughter if memory serves) she moved in with her aunt who (again if I remember correctly) testified against her as a witness.
Alot of very respectable people live in council house (my mum for 1) but I see smack heads pushing prams and giving birth to football teams or having multiple kids with multiple fathers who wander off to do the same with someone else none of whom work and spend their days wandering around from pub to pub for each different happy hour.
The post is about child poverty I remember a few months ago having a row with a couple like that (pair of them drunk and smoking) because they did'nt want to pay. She indignantly told me that "I was taking the food out of her baby's mouth", I reminded them that they could afford to drink to which she replied "I'm allowed a drink are'nt I?" not at the expense of her children I countered.
I know loads of people whose lives are blighted by these "single parent scum" their words not mine as they move in to rented houses on short term lets cause havoc and then leave again, only for the next lot to move in and do the same.
No word of a lie.
if there are 187,000 children in london in poverty how many are there in the ENTIRE uk?or is it that its only london kids that matter in statistics?
keep that statistic in london, its probably a load of b------ anyway

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