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my birthday present

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SLINKYKATE | 16:28 Wed 29th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
it was my birthday in march and i told my sons not to get me anything'cos i did'nt know what i wanted,but when i was watching britians got talent they said there tickets are on sale,so we ordered 2 through the internet,when asking for the card no. they would'nt take my debit card,so i pressed visa,but its not a visa card,so will i need to keep checking the bank to see if it comes of my debit card,theysaid it could take up to 48 hrs,or will i have to re-order.


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Did you not get a confirming email/ticket sales receipt?
Didn't you get a reciept number or a verification email yet SLINKY ? You could check your bank to see if the amount has been debitted yet :-)
Apologies to snags , you weren't there when I started typing x
No worries Bigmamma...

Slinky... you have to PAY for tickets for BGT?!?
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my son done it for me,i dont know how to check for e mails i will ask him when he gets in from work,he buys loads of concert tickets,but he said thats the first time they have refused a debit card,i cut all my visa cards and havent used them for about 4 years
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snags i WAS trying to pay for them
I know... I meant the tickets should be free...
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it said my debit card wasnt valid,but its the card i always use,and there was plenty of money in the account,this is the first time this has happened.

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my birthday present

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