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Now Who's Your All Time Favourite?

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vernonk | 07:04 Sun 02nd Jun 2013 | Film, Media & TV
26 Answers
Matt Smith has quit as Dr Who. Can't say I'm sad as he was never a favourite of mine - Tom Baker or David Tennant are. But who is your all time fave Dr Who?


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Oh, please give reasons for our choices.
I prefer Matt Smith. I don't watch it often so I don't really know why.
Patrick Troughton for me.

Elizabeth Sladen for favourite assistant.
William Hartnell (sp) for me, because he was the original.
I don't watch it but I think David Tennant is quite hot so it would have to be him :)
My favourite of all time would have to be Tom Baker. He's the one I grew up watching. I loved his voice and mannerisms, his scarf and I shared his love of jelly babies!
I find Matt Smith rather annoying so haven't been watching many episodes lately. I hope whoever his replacement is, is not quite so manic and over-the-top. I like the new assistant though. Couldn't stand Amy Pond.

I agree with paisleylass - Tom Baker always looked so capable, it was quite believable that he would save the day, whereas his successors dithered a lot.
Same as Paisleylass, Tom Baker. He's the one I watched as a child.
I haven't got one, never watched it, not particularly fond of sci-fi.
Tom Baker

Matt Smith's weird
Matt Smith's weird

Yep, isn't he just.
Jon Pertwee. He was doctor at a time when I could get past the cardboard sets and foam monsters. I also loved the Army connection with The Brigadier. It's all a bit high tech now but some v good story lines.
True, zacs - Jon P would be my No 2
I've only really seen the modern Dr. Who, plus some snippets (and one or two full serials) from the older series, so I've only ever seen Pertwee, Tom Baker and the three modern Doctors. Of those I think Tennant > Baker > Eccleston ~ Pertwee > Matt Smith, but I'd enjoy watching some more of the earlier episodes.
No 1 Tom Baker

Whereas David Tennant - cannot understand a word he says.
William Hartnell for much the same reason as Tony. That's not to say I didn't appreciate some of the stories others appeared in.

I think the script more important than the actor. I think the scripts of of last few series have not really matched up to the earlier ones. Sure they can be clever, but too often there's some magical get out for the Doc and his chums, "and in one bound he was free", usually involving a magic wand, oh sorry, a sonic screwdriver.
Yes it's often said it's the one you grew up with, in which case for me it'd be Jon Pertwee, and I do have fond memories of the show with him in. I liked his military friend the Brigadier as well.

I just re-watched the 1st series of the revival and enjoyed Christopher Eccleston's performance more than I remember from seeing it at the time.

I haven't bothered with much of the Smith era but more from getting a bit bored with the show rather than anything to do with him. I'm amused by people dismissing him as "weird" - the Doctor is actually supposed to be a bit weird, what with being a very old alien.

I agree Amy Pond was annoying although I loved the hair, accent and legs. But the latest companion Clara, while similarly easy on the eye, is annoying times a million. Her "pert" routine wore out even before her first episode was over.
William Hartnell, the original and best, I did see an episode a couple of weeks ago and the sets have improved over the years.
David Tennant or John Simm (who played a fellow timelord), both brillianrt actors and sexy men !
I liked David Tennant. I thoroughly enjoyed the episode "The Shakespeare Code" so much I bought the DVD. Some of dialogue is brilliant.

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