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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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sympathies over the no movement from the vertical. Been there. Shughy is having a panic over potential thunder here. so if I stop posting, its because he is climbing on me.
Thanks but I still feel crip and it's not being helped by the crippiest hasn't stopped raining and it's so cold I'm considering running the heating through to lift the bleakness. I could do the ironing to warm myself up but then again....
Hello all, been rushing about, driving hither and thither on Hippie market day when the roads are jammed jammed jammed in this heat. Grrrr!

Oh Robi what is the matter, you sound awful, do whatever you have to if it makes you feel better.

Am off for a swim and a loll in lilo, too hot.
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Don't quite need the heating on but the slow cooker is going on in a mo as its definitely a make the house cosy day. Thunder has passed over for good hopefully and the boys have flaked out...feeling better today, more inclined to do stuff but the boys need cuddles....well that's my excuse.
It's been very warm and humid here with a warm wind as I slogged my way to hairdresser ,doctors and urology clinic .
The good news is my chest Xray is clear .
The bad news is the weather took a turn for the worse and I now look like a drowned rat as the rain came down as I left the clinic where they prodded and poked me about . But it's just an overactive bladder coupled with stress and anxiety .
Must concentrate on pelvic floor exercises and retrain my bladder not to go ..just in case ...,back in six weeks .
Sorry to hear various Biddies are not well and hope you soon feel better xxx
That's great news about your chest xray shaney, you can stop worrying now!
My hair badly needs doing but I might as well wait 'til my hairdresser's little boy has gone back to school and she has more time.

Halellujah, the rain finally stopped...a bit bloomin late in the day though. I don't know what's up with me neti, maybe a virus or peedoffitis.
hmmm? I had to sign in the first time I posted....
Well done shaney, that's a relief.

How's jude, anyone know?

I have can'tbebothereditis, lolling on bed just so tired now, don't want to make dinner so probably won't. Cannot take much more of this awful cloying stinking heat!!!

Had a meeting with a chap off the internet today, we had a coffee, but no worry biddies I am not up to my tricks, he was explaining to me how to download progs from a new site, and we have several mutual friends in common. He's a 62 yr old hippy called Kevin@!! well I ask you!!! That's not going to get knickers wagging is it!!

Loved Pat and Margaret, that Vic Wood is so clever!
It certainly was a relief .I've been on a knifes edge this last ten days or so .
Considering my Dad died from lung cancer and this horrible cough I've had lately had scared me silly .
As you know I'm a smoker although not heavy but since all the turmoil with Mr S. I've smoked more and I was scared .
The doctors appt today was with the no smoking lady who was lovely and very helpful .She told me she started smoking aged 12 !
So from tomorrow no more sneaky rollies ..I have patches and a fake ciggie thing and I hope I can crack it this time after trying all sorts over the years .
Wish me luck girls .
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Shaney that is brilliant brilliant news. Robi I am cosmic ordering you some get up and go. Have I mentioned berocca fizzy tablets? I have found them very helpful and they turn your wee an amazing bright yellow. Don't get the ones with caffeine in though.
We just had slow cooker chicken thigh stew for tea. It was delicious. There is home made chocolate brownie for afters but sadly no creme de menthe to go with them so i will make some mint tea instead.
Dont envy you the heat Neti.
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Shaney you popped in. I will channel you a pile of will power. I lost my Dad to lung cancer.
Thank you Woofy xx.
I shall try my best .
Although my Dad died from lung cancer it was actually pneumoconiosis that killed him .Asbestos dust . Although he was a smoker .
My eldest brother had a job in the dockyard at Chatham and we moved there when the fishing packed up here and my Dad could no longer go to sea .
They then went to work on the nuclear power stations at Tilbury etc as riveters .They had to work in these tunnels which were thick with the dust They used to hose them down when they came out .
I remember my Mum and I having to have chest Xrays when they discovered it ,in case we had inhaled it from his clothes etc.
Funnily enough my bro is still going strong at nearly 83.
But poor my old Dad :(
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My Dad started smoking when he was a soldier. I remember him saying that in the war, there might not be a hot meal or even a hot drink but they always got the cigarettes through and they were a comfort. Of course nobody knew then.

Anyway. He would tell me to stop being so bloody miserable. Just do your best
Same with mine Woofy ..although he was born in 1903 and left school at 14.
I'm sure he was smoking then .
He was too young for WW1 and went to sea in the drifters at 14 as what they called a scummer.
Then did army service in Malta and Ireland .
Life long smoker who did his bit in the second lot dodging the bombs back and forth up and down the North Sea in the fuel carriers to Scapa Flow in the MN ..makes me so sad sometimes ....he was such a lovely Dad .
They say these things can be genetic.
You see he was my Dad ....although my Mum was not my biological mother .
But that's another story ....Oight Oight lovelies .
that must be a relief, Shaney. Are you trying those e-ciggy things B00 and divegirl are on? I know nothing about them but they seem happy with them.

Just drove to Tescos and the rear window was misted over both ways; autumn must be here.
Excellent news Shaney. Must be a relief. I still daren't go to the docs re my blood in urine. I will when I feel better!! Irritable bladder is a pain. It often goes hand in hand with irritable bowel. I am still Granny Grumps!!
I had to take a sample Lofty and it was all clear .They said I had an overactive bladder coupled with this this stress incontinence .
I have to learn to ignore the urge to go ,just in case I need to go .In other words it's some receptor in the brain that sends a message to your kidneys via your spine via your brain via your muscles that work the bladder that you need to empty your bladder .

Bit complicated to explain ..but I have a leaflet .. clenching up and down as I type !

Jno ..I mentioned the E cigs to her ..but she said that they don't prescribe them as they've not done enough tests yet to see if they are safe to use .
In other words they need a proper review from an independent medical body .
Scientific testing etc ...blah dee blah .
I have been told I have an overactive bladder, Shaney. It seems more hyperactive than overactive though!!! When I need to go, I need to go right there and then and I am up and out of bed on several occasions in the night. Horrible!! Those pelvic floor excercises hurt my back!!
One thing she did say Lofty was ...lay of coffee ,and I do love my coffee .But it's a diuretic and caffieine irritates the bladder .
Drink decaff tea . Lay off fizzy drinks ..even fizzy water .
I drink Pelligrino and the very ,very ,occasional Pepsi .
So I'm going to have to cut out my coffee ,have decaff tea and still water .
I can't drink the tap water here's revolting :(
Oh the joys of getting older ...

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