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tv aerial

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dmcleman | 17:44 Fri 30th Apr 2004 | Technology
4 Answers
I've fitted five tv sockets in my flat and a booster box to split the aerial signal. The reception is bad, lots of ghosting. Do I need a more powerful aerial on the roof? Or if I bought a digital receiver box would one be enough or would I need one for each tv socket?


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It's my understanding that you need a decent signal in the first place for a digibox, so I don't think that it will help. Have you got 5 seperate leads going to the aerial, or one lead that is then split into 5?
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There's one lead coming from the aerial to the booster box that then splits it into five leads. Any ideas?
I think you're possibly asking a bit much from one aerial, especially if the signal in your area isn't 100%. Not needed to use either item, but possibly the two items (splitter and masthead amp) at the bottom of this page may help: . I think you're better off with the split as close to the aerial as possible, rather than close to the TV's.
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Thanks for that link, it's very helpful, I didn't know these things existed.

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