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The Bible in a different perspective

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Geenarex | 12:15 Mon 08th Nov 2004 | History
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I knw this will sound strange to many of you but is there any chance, not directly said, but said indirectly that all angels, miracles and bright lights may be some sort of extraterrestrial spacecraft and beings, that is if you believe in them.

Some examples:

Star of Bethlahem (A UFO)

Jesus rising in 3 days (An advanced machine of some sort maybe healed him)

Angels surrounded by bright light (Aliens below a spacecraft)

Divine beings (Aliens)

To me it all adds up.

Anyone else think the same???


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Its as good a theory as anything else ive ever heard,why not.
The Bible is a work of fiction. The nonsense within comes from the fevered imaginations of its writers. Simple as that.

Yeah, that will be right.

You ought to read "Gods of the New Millenium" Can't recall who wrote it  but I read it a few years ago and lots of sense-making stuff in there. Don't treat it as gospel, but then again don't ever treat anything as difinitive truth!
Please make your way quickly to the nearest exit without stopping to collect coats, hats or other personal belongings...........
Not really.  You can attribute just about anything unexplained to UFO's. 
Intersting theory Geenarex, i read converstions with god by neale donald walsh and there was some very intersting stuff in those books but again it's your desicion to decide what is what on everything. Good luck finding your truth hun...
That's what the loonies at think too! It's quite an old theory, except in the Raelians' case, the aliens are the Nephilim, not the angels. (I think - a long time since I've heard anything about them, and they are nutters!)
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WaldoMcFroog, I have mever been there and I made this up myself. I have never heard of this being said before.

For the angels you were talking about, they were meant to have wings right, but what if they were just said to have had wings so that people could understand how they floated. They are not going to believe that you can just levitate on the spot. I didn't believe in the bible until I thought of this. To me it sounds like they are just always looking out for us and they created a religion a long time ago so that nothing bad would go wrong if they believed in it.

Read the books by Eric von Daniken. Essentially saying exactly what you are.

Wowo, Von Daniken's arguements are similar but not as well argued as Alan Alford's in previously mentioned Gods of the New Millenium. I'm not telling anyone to believe what anyone else wants or to agree with me, the whole point of religion is to make one's own mind up in a symbiosis of heart and mind. Anyone who refuses to listen and give credence to another's opinion or doctrine should'nt have a place on this planet. I tell people I'm agnostic, I used to tell people I was an aetheist but got fed up with that being taken as carte blanche for them to try to convert me (not just christians), I wonder how many of them would have liked it if I were to have attempted to question their beliefs. It surely is up to each individual to do so themselves.

question: if YOU had the ability to travel through space at a very high speed, chanced across an in habited planet with conditions that are suitable for you to land on it, for SOME reason picked out the humans as the most intelligent being, just happened to be humanoid in appearance, had a magical healing machine, WHY would you choose this jesus bloke to heal? firstly why would you bother magically healing anyone, and secondly why him in particular? and, seeing that humans are evidently of inferior intelligence to your own advanced race, would you not then colonise the planet?

and the bible, really - don't even go there. it was written a thousand or so years ago, has been edited by a large number of different people & cultures, and is incredibly biased toward some male god when in fact round about when jesus would've been alive (IF he even existed, which i doubt) women were a main focus, all this goddess worship, and it's only with the advent of the church that the idea of female omnipotent beings was discarded

Absolute rubbish. (1) The existence or nonexistence of God has nothing to do with it. The meaning of existence and reality is a matter of philosophy and metaphysics and has nothing to do with the sightings of angels and UFOs, so let's leave God out of it shall we? (2) To say that we had to learn how to build pyramids and temples from more advanced aliens rather puts down our human achievements, don't you think? And where did them advanced aliens learn their skills from? Even more advanced aliens? Where does it stop? (3) If there are such advanced aliens in our local corner of the galaxy, where are they? Why aren't they here now?
Anyone ever watch the series STARGATE SG1, nothing to do with bible but all there technology could have been misread in that as bible stuff, those who see it know that we have alien ships in the sky, sarcophogas that resurects humans that have died, etc. obviously all this is sci fi for now to us but what of 2000 years ago, who is to say that a plane with lights flashing in the sky isnt the star of bethleham,
maybe so... maybe so...


You stated that you 'didn't believe in the bible until I thought of this.'

So, you think that the presence of extra-terrestrials makes the bible story more plausible. it does actually, but only slightly, which isn't enough to make it anywhere near plausible!

For the record I do think that the existence of aliens is more likely than the existence of a god / gods.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors witnessed a great many events which, at the time they couldn't explain (eg. lightning, volcanic eruptions, storms etc.) and with their limited knowledge created explanations (an outside force controlling the elements - let's call them gods).

Now, with our slightly more advanced knowledge of the world & solar system (but no-less colourful imaginations) we have explained most of the things that our ancestors couldn't, but we still create other theories for unexplained events and jump to other conclusions.

My advice is be a sceptic - it's good for you!

TO : Alphil_72. . . . alphil, i don't give credence to those who hold the belief that young children should be slaughtered and eaten. does this mean i don't have a place on this planet?

i don't think inflammatory generalisations are likely to help the forum in any way. apologies for my frankness, but this kind of thing winds me up a little eventually. fond regards to all.

so much writing, i just have one point, it says in the bible somewhere "professing themselves wise, they became fools." surprisingly apt, no?

I must confess that it would take more "faith" for me to believe the alien theory than to believe in God and to accept the Bible as true. Theories that do not have definitive proof must all be accepted by what I think the Bible refers to as "faith." I agree with APhil, everyone has a right to believe as they believe. Those who try to cram religion down other people's throats can find another planet. Not even Jesus did that from the stories I've read about him in the Bible.

   But IF the Bible is true, then where would that leave all of us as human beings? We would be no worse off for believing it, but in terrible shape if we reject it. And if the Bible is not true, then we would be no worse off for believing it or for rejecting it either way. Better safe than sorry? This is personal opinion, of course. I have to decide what I am going to believe for myself. Aliens or God? Just something to think about.

indeed, chiron. ain't it great to be able to use an unreferenced quote to kill a topic by second-hand put down. negates the need to come up with an opinion of one's own, n'est pas?

now then, wasn't it Winston Churchill who said "it's a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations...?"


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