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Prime Ministers On Postage Stamps

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grumpy01 | 08:07 Tue 12th Aug 2014 | News
52 Answers
Have just read that Royal Mail are issuing eight stamps containing the faces of British Prime Ministers.Winston Churchill,Gladstone, Margaret Thatcher and Clement Attlee are there but no sign of teflon Tony,he must be gutted.


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Well they're supposed to stick on the envelope!
Perhaps it is because Teflon is non stick?
Got there before me Tilly.
Maybe only ex prime ministers who are dead?
You have to be dead to appear on stamps or banknotes.
Tony is very much alive.

I hope the Thatcher stamp comes with instructions on which side to spit on.
Such a nice pleasant person you are Gromit.

As you often tell us, young people visit this site, so is that really responsible to say that?
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Incorrect there gromit as the Queen is on them all.
Perhaps he needed to be dead to qualify.
Ah I see Gromit said as much.
Wasn't that supposed to be the rule for statues in Westminster too ?

/// I hope the Thatcher stamp comes with instructions on which side to spit
on. ///

Get up to date Gromit stamps are self adhesive these days, but even when they were not, people did not 'spit' on them, at least I didn't.
No, we didn't spit on them- we just licked the backside
along with Attlee - a modest man with much to be modest about
Gromit //You have to be dead to appear on stamps or banknotes. //
Harold Wilson too.

The KGB Philaterlists will be happy.
Nice to see our Harold in the list ! Always like him !
Commemorative stamps usually come in a variety of gummed and self adhesive versions. Definitive stamps are all self adhesive.

The criteria for these Prime Minister stamps is that the subject is not living, which is usually the case for commemorative stamps, though there have been exceptions recently.

I cannot see Blair making it onto a stamp. History will not be kind and his legacy was two disastrous wars which we failed to win.
Thanks goodness that these stamps will be self-adhesive, coz the thought of licking the backside of some of these characters fills me with dread !
Yes YMB our anti British lefty freinds show the way when it comes to unbridled Vitriol.

PS gromit still waiting for you to tell me why Karen Brady is not worthy of a seat in the lords.

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