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What Wine

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society | 21:10 Wed 13th Mar 2013 | Food & Drink
16 Answers
Usually when I serve pizza the beverage is Pepsi, beer and of course water. I would like to serve wine for a change. What wine do you suggest for my guests?


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red or white?
We have Pinot Grigio Rose with ours.
The obvious would be a Valpolicella or a Chianti, maybe a Chianti Classico if the budget could stretch that far.

Alternatively, maybe a Chilean Merlot or Carménère ...
I would go with a South African Chenin Blanc or a New Zealand (Marlborough) Sauvignon Blanc.
If you want red, try a Concho Y Toro Carmeniere.
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I'm not much a wine drinker, a glass once in a while. I am depending on your suggestions - red, white, rose anything you think suitable.
just pizza or anything else, society?

Upfront, personally, I would go for a lighter red wine, but one with a good flavour. Without breaking the bank, look at a good Cotes due Rhone Village - for a white wine an Ozzie Margaret River Semillion Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc blend (not too sharp and deep flavour to counter your pizzas, "The Parcel Series" from Majestic, £7-49 - if you want to go higher some of the Petaluma.

Or a Yalumba Viognier 2011 from the Eden Valley but that is £15, discounted if you buy 6.
Blue Nun - my fave.
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Nothing elaborate or fancy, just pizza, salad, and ice cream for dessert.
That's why Blue Nun is good.
I'd go with a Marlborough
What's the topping on the pizza, society? What sort of base is it?

And how much do you want to spend on the wine?
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No meat, vegetable and cheese pies. I won't break the bank, but good tasting wine is important. 8 people altogether so I'm planning on buying a case of wine.
Any chili peppers or pineapple? If not, you could go with my earlier suggestions for red. Maybe something like one of these:

For a white, I'd go for a Pinot Grigio, e.g.

This time of year though, with the weather as it is, I'd go for red ...

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No pineapple. Broccoli, mushrooms, peppers, red onion, olives, spinach, asparagus and buffalo mozzarella cheese. And I'm making my own tomato sauce.
A nice well chilled Viognier would stand up pretty well.

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