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I Predict...

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cassa333 | 09:57 Mon 04th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
The EU will move talks onto trade and other matters.

They are very clever and know that they have reached the maximum they are going to get at this stage.

The rhetoric from our end is now starting to look like we are growing a pair. Not a big pair but a pair non the less so they will make a few consolatory noises about how we are now getting in the right place.

We will then start the haggle all over again and they will demand (and probably get because of the cowardly Remainers and soft Brexiters) a load more dosh.

They will end up the net winners for decades to come simply because our team is trying to keep everyone happy.

If only everyone had been behind the UK!!


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I'd not call it clever to simply refuse to justify demands nor change position. I'd call it more weakness on the part of the UK team for capitulating.

Meanwhile they still have to bring Ireland into line if they really want to progress trade talks. At present Ireland prefers to moan at the UK (the only group who seems to be suggesting a soft border option) instead of moaning at their EU masters who are blocking/delaying with demands of more detail instead of contributing to the process.
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They are clever because they know we have a strong position but weak team. That's the clever bit.

They are like any school boy bully. Shout loudest and get what you want.
If this is the cost to leave , imagine the cost to us if we were staying in the EU.
I'm just so thrilled with the £350million pounds per week the government is giving the NHS since we're leaving. Oh wait...
Our team is useless.
The EU asked for £52 billion and we offered £20 billion.
After months of haggling we are giving them at least £50 billion. - Total capitulation.

The EU are laughing all the way to the bank.

Davis should be sacked immediately, and replaced with someone who has a clue about negotiating, otherwise we will lose even more on the next round of talks.

// If only everyone had been behind the UK!! //

Remainers were not involved in these negotiations, it was the Conservative Government and its Department for Exiting the EU. May, Davis and Fox are resposible for this fiasco, not anyone who voted against Leaving.
That's it then, it's the remainder fault . :-)
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Oh we have a seemingly useless team all right but it was the effort to keep Remainers and such like happy that has got us in this situation.

Any twank can keep harping back to slogans plastered on a bus. I think that has well and truly been put to bed.

In any case given a choice I wouldn't give it to the NHS until they took control of the waste and inefficiency that is prolific within the organisation. But obviously I'm in the minority there.

// it was the effort to keep Remainers and such like happy that has got us in this situation. //

Utter twaddle.
There has been no concessions to Remainers. None. The carve up by the EU was entirely May and Davis’ doing.
UK and EU fail to strike Brexit talks deal
I predict...Brexit will never happen (sadly).

^^^ if that's the case. I predict a Riot.
Well this 'twank' ( which finishing school did you go to by the way Cassa, you are SOOO classy?) will laugh herself silly when Brexit doesn't happen at all (which incidentally is how 'put to bed' the whole subject is).
This fiasco you're trying to blame on Remainers is entirely the fault of the bunch of incompetent Tories you idolise so much, and that's great because frankly I'm surprised they manage to dress themselves, so the chances of us actually leaving the EU if they are involved are pretty much...nil, which suits this 'twank' fine.
The prediction looking a little less likely now. Instead of the EU bringing Ireland into line Ireland make a daft suggestion, the EU decides to be mischievous and supports it, and May opts to agree to try to sell out Northern Ireland instead: and guess what, the mire hits the fan. Absolutely inevitable following that idiotic "agreement", so it must have been deliberate provocation. Looks like May is trying to get the Tories into opposition next election.
On that point OG, it looks as if Mrs May is going in the right direction !
"Any twank can keep harping back to slogans plastered on a bus. I think that has well and truly been put to bed. "

You have to laugh.

As to the "strength" of our "team" they can't even keep their alleged allies on board. How must that look to the rest of the 28?
I predict May will drop the Dup go to the country win got back to Europeans and tell them the out is off that’s if it was ever on in the first place .

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