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nannon | 14:33 Wed 05th Sep 2007 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
i am planning to join the gym this weekend/next week....
I know i will have an induction when there but can anyone shed spme light on the type of exercise i will be told do - i'm going to help me lose weight and also to tone up tummy and legs...and arms...well just tone up everything! i'm fairly unfit.

Am so nervous about going....! Dont even own a pair of trainers at the mo and have no idea what to wear...have bought a sprts bro but want to wear something baggy ish - dont want everyone to see my wobby bits wobbling!!!


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it depends on where you want to lose and tone up from and what sort of time you can give to the gym and how unfit and how healthy you are, dont be nervous they are there to help you, have fun and enjoy it
cant really say what exactly they will advise but if you are pretty unfit they will certainly start you off with gentle exercise - light weights, walking on tredmill etc. Is the gym you are going to recommended by someone - I have experience where gyms dont really take any interest in what you do which of course suits some but for beginners like yourself it is no help. I must congratulate you though in taking this step - please dont be nervous. It is something for you to enjoy and make you fit at the same time. People are just there to get on with their own thing so wont be looking at you so wear whatever is comfortable. Of course comfortable footwear is required and then just something like a baggy t shirt and perhaps some cropped loose trousers?? Stick at it - dont expect miracles immediately but if you stick with it you will definately see results in time.
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Thank you for you answers - i dont know why i;m nervouse - i keep imagining walking in to a room fall of gorgeous thin people!! haha!!

It has been recommened by a friend who says they are pretty helpful..Its not the best gym in the world but it is close to home and the cheapest one i can find! Worse comes to worse my sister is a gym bunny and her friend is a fitness/gym instructer so they may be able to point me in the right direction about what to do if they gym is not helpfull....!

I am quite excited - have lost over a stone in 12 weeks with weight watchers so am hoping it will some off even more when i start exercising!!!!

thanks again

yes the gym I now go to is really basic but somewhere I can go to use the facilities I want for not too much money and is handy for my work. You will be fine if you have your sister to advise you too. No-one can stop you feeling nervous if thats how you are but once you have been once you will be ok. Remember lots of people have body confidence issues that I am sure there will be many people with the same worries as you. Just enjoy.
I would say they will recommend about 10 minutes walking on the treadmill at whatever speed and slope you feel comfortable with. Then maybe 10 minutes or so on the cycling machines, followed by a few weights.

As you get fitter you can increase the time and speed and difficulty you work at.

As for clothes, go to matalan or primark and get some cheap jogging bottoms and tshirts. Gyms are not full of beautiful people, believe me!
I was so, so nervous my first time walking into a gym, I felt that everyone would turn and gawp and me and basically point and laugh. Obviously, none of this happened at all, the instructor was really friendly and everyone else just concentrated on what they were doing! In fact once you have been a few times you will notice other people coming in on their inductions looking like lost lambs and you will know what they are going through and just tend to get on with what you are doing!
Anyway, on my induction I was weighed and he took my height andblood pressure and I filled in a mini-medical thingy (smoker, medical history, injuries, etc). I had to walk a few minutes on the ttreadmill, also on the bike and the cross trainer. He showed me how to use all of the equipment.
For my first few sessions I wore cropped trackie bottoms and a T-shirt, now I am more in shape I wear yoga bottoms and a vest.

Well done on your weight loss so far, you should be really proud for making these huge steps, it took me ages to get the confidence and now I wonder why I didn't do it sooner x x x

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