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Who says sorry first?

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PinkFizz | 11:40 Wed 04th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
When you have a row with your other half do you end up saying sorry,or just forgetting the row ,just to keep the peace, whether you are right or wrong or are you stubborn and act cool and offish until they apologise??


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I usually appologise 1st as life it too short for silly arguements!
I am riduculously stubborn and my boyfriend is very good at keeping the peace. He is always the one to say "Come here and stop being silly", "give me a kiss", "can i have a hug".

Im just the stern b!tch that if it was left in my hands i'd happily refuse to talk all night.
...and I thought Miss A was the only one!
Hi Pink how are u? well it sounds like you had the same evening as I did.! my husband never admits it is him that is wrong or ever says sorry. It drives me mad.! last night after having an hour to myself he came in and asked how long it was going to be before I spoke to him! so I just gritted my teeth and talked as normal only for him to start all over again saying I was in the wrong.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!urgggggggggggggg Men. love Brenda xx
I'm stubborn, but i do tend to make up within 6 weeks.
I have been with my partner for 18 months and as we have never had a row we have never had to say sorry over one. However we are both equally capable of saying sorry and it is never an issue as to who is going to be the first to say sorry.
i always apologise if im proved wrong,but never if not.
Mike42, you say if proved wrong!! does she have to prove it literally or would you also just accept that sometimes you are wrong?
I tend to say sorry just to keep the peace, anythin for an easy life unless hes been particularly horrible and out of order. What did he do to our pinky? :O(
My parents had a wonderful way of dealing with disagreements. If either of them felt they were heading for an overheated argument, they would say �five minutes�. The discussion would then continue for five more minutes, after which each of them would apologise to the other, regardless of whether they had resolved their differences or not. Then they would open a bottle of wine and have a toast to each other, always with a grin, a chuckle and an �I love you�. Luckily they didn�t often have arguments or this would have ended up in them both turning into alcoholics (lol). :o)
yeah i will agree to diaagree if in doubt or point cant be proved.
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Hi guys - It is me who apologises 99% of the time,well not apologise exactly,but say we have words one evening which end up with us going to bed on an atmosphere then I will wake up,give him a kiss and act as if nothings happened,whether he was wrong or not.But last night - grrrrrrr......
Its always my partner who apologises first...usually cuz hes in the wrong though!
What did he do Pinky?

I find being single is a great way to avoide arguments and never have to appologise.... ;0)
Elton john never apologies 1st to his partner,

I suspose you could say that ''sorry seems to be the hardest word''
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Its was so silly! Firstly he'd had a glass of wine too many,not that it seemed to have affected hin at all.Then we got onto the subject of schools when we move.There is finally a place at school I waant now,and one in Jan.He wanted me to move son into new school now to ensure a place,before we have moved!!! I said that was ridiculous and it all got silly and ended up with him shouting his head off at me and being pretty horrible blah blah.....

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lol - very good laurence!
yeah china if you argue with yourself you always win. .
i always say sorry first,my hubby always thinks hes right so why should he apologise he is a very stubborn man,thats what he says.i say it to keep the peace,once we didnt speak for nearly a week until i said sirry and asked for a kiss then everything was ok,at times it drives me mad but someone has to do it coz it will never be him
Mikey baby, if you're argueing with yourself you have a whole new set of problems... mind you, if you're apologising to yourself after argueing with yourself I think it's time for the men in white coats ;0)

Well to be honest my little pink angel, I would just have a chat with him this evening, nothing heavy and just say along the lines of 'you were a bit of a muppet last night, now give me a kiss and an apology and we can forget all about it.' Would that work?

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