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xantia25 | 16:29 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
Because of short supply, what did women use in place of lipstick in 1942?


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I'm totally hacked off with this now. Go away please, you're very very annoying!
Question Author
Web Sites can only survive if people are using them. This site is for asking questions and getting answers, what's your problem????
-- answer removed --
I thought that the fact that an answerbank editor replied to you telling you to stop it, might make you dtop, obviously not. People will just start ignoring you
Thanks to all for your support. Perhaps my response was not as "constructive" as it could have been. So for the record, xantia - the bulk of your questions are not very interesting, many have very specific and obscure references (eg this one), there are too many similar ones, they are pushing "proper" questions off the top 20 list, and despite the fact that you are probably just cutting and pasting someone else's work, you don't even provide the answers. So please please fall in with the spirit of this site, or find somewhere else where your talents will be fully appreciated.
Some of the more adventurous women used a mixture containing blood and flower extract. Just kidding. Ok, according to the National Lipstick guide ( 1969), lip stick was in short supply during the war,so people did'nt wear any. However, some women had stocked up or received lip stick through contacts in America and Canada, and in some cases France. The funniest war time related lipstick incident was when a detatchment of British troops, surrounded at El Alamein, opened their last remaining ammo box only to discover that the bullits had been traded in for lipstick. Some tried to use the lipstick in their guns, others thought to dress up in disguise (drag) and slip through the german lines to continue the fighting.
xantia25 - please take account of the feelings of others, and they will take account of yours. Posting so many questions goes against the spirit of the site and the community of regular users. Without them, the questions won't get answered - so it's in everyone's interests to be polite and get on!
Here here
One person's trivia is another one's needed information. Who's to decide what is an important question and what isn't? We are in danger of kind of snobbery here. What makes BenDToy's question about Internet Explorer in Internet &^ Tech more interesting than this one? As it states in the Terms of Use "The aim of the site is to create an online community where you can exchange personal views and opinions with other users, on subjects that interest you".
hi honkytonkman. I can't argue with your logic, and it is a fair point. I'm sure my question may not be interesting to many people. If xantia is indeed trying to exchange personal views and opinions with other users, on subjects that interest him/her then I apologise unreservedly for being so abrupt.
For those of you who are interested in this question, the answer is beetroot juice. The question (and answer) to this, and all of the other subjects which are apparently of interest to xantia25 can be found here (with thanks to kit). It would have saved an awful lot of time and effort for all if xantia had just posted the link instead!!
Question Author
Thanks nfor the support honkytonkman, there was no mention in the t&c about the amount of questions one is allowed to ask and being a newcomer I was not aware of the 'unwritten rules'. BenDToy, if I had known where to find the answers I would not have asked, but thanks for the link anyway. Sorry if I've upset you all, it was not intended.
Thanks xantia - apology accepted and appreciated. Please feel free to contribute in future and don't be put off asking, or answering questions.

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