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Women who are atracted to Male(looking) parteners?

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C5 | 19:01 Sun 22nd Jan 2006 | Body & Soul
14 Answers

Just a simple question. Why do Some lesbians tend to have a male looking partener if that person does not like men?, is it that some women dont like the male mind set or what?

Thanks just wondering



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The fact that it's not a universal thing - i.e. all lesbians do not fancy masculine-looking women should tell you something.

Ignore lesbians for a moment. Some straight men like masculine-looking women. Some straight women like feminine-looking men. Equally, some are the complete opposite.

Ultimately, the reasons for our attraction to another person are pretty complicated and may depend on many, many variables, some biological, some sociological and as many possible combinations of partners as you can think of, there will be someone who likes it. Ultimately, most people can probably say what they like in a partner and how it makes them feel but not tell you why they feel that way in the first place.
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To clarify..I did specify "Some"...never said still seem to avoid the actual question....complicated or not, physical or not, in public most Lesbian couples that I see, one partener seems to be more female like,and the other seems to be porteying the image of a male ...just does not make alot of sense to me, only me I guess

I do agree with you but I do find in those relationships the less masculine is rarely very feminine or pretty. I am a female who appreciates both sexes but I prefer men who look like men and women who look very feminine and girly,
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Thanks goodsoulette, but I still have not gotten an answer, I agree with you!
I used to think it was cause they were so ugly that no man would have them so they had to go with other really ugly women (I'm in for abuse now arent i?), but I am now older and have seen what happens on a Saturday night I have realised that men will go with anything. I think its one of lifes great mysteries c5! Where do socks go? why do lesbians fancy manly women? Why do men find it so hard to find our......?
I think it all depends on who you are attracted to. My lesbian friend is only attracted to really feminine, thin women. Yet she is quite "butch". You can't help who you are attracted to, can you?
There was a 'scene' lesbian couple at my university who both had facial hair, most probably from a body fat/hormonal imbalance. They were the extreme end of the scale. Here in Hamburg, there are lots of lesbian couples composed of a normal 'dyke' and a 'bull dyke'. I use the terms as a direct quote from a lesbian colleague of mine, who herself is very masculine in her style and bodily proportions. I guess the real question is do same sex relationships work on the same 'wavelengths' as heterosexual ones? The sex act will involve penetration for most people, but we men are second best to the skills of modern engineering.

Talking as a full time lezza i can only give u my opinion based on my experiences, this doesnt apply to everyone and some of the things are not intended to be generalisations

Ive had this discussion with my friend afew times - like yourself i was baffled for a while as to y this occurs. i consider myself to be a feminine girl, i am attracted to feminine women. Butch women just dont float my boat. Just as all ppl there r certain types that u r attracted 2. sum girls like masculine men others prefer cute baby face looking guys. i guess thats y sum lezzas r attracted 2 butch lookin women, purely & simply cos thats their type.

Sum butch looking women aren actually as ``tough`` as they may look & their personality completely contradicts their appearance. Although this isnt always the case am just providin u wi possible answers

Although gay women r obviously not attracted 2 men in a sexual sense, SUM r attracted to the masculine qualities men have, they r not sexually turned on by men i.e. they like the masculine qualities but dont necessarily like what men have between their legs. They are sexually turned on by women.

In the vast majority of cases i dont believe that its a case of women not liking the male mind set - being gay/bi etc isn an enforced choice its just what feels natural to the individual. Ultimately nobody can b forced in2 being gay just like nobody can be forced to eat dog food - that is unless they really want to

Many ppl like different things & r attracted 2 different qualities in partners - what doesnt make u think ``oh yeah thats great`` - it does for others

I hope ive attempted to answer your question - dont know if i have explained it that well - but least its something for u to think about xx

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Goodsoulette, your killing me ;) that's funny, I'm married for 13 years to a beautiful Blonde lawyer (well about to be,after the bar exam in a month) I'm 10 years older than her,we have a daughter, and I do know where that spot far as the socks, the dryer eates them, I was just wondering about that lesbian question. I really dont care who is in what kind of relationship, women with women,man with man, women and men, but to start a whole new subject, whop wants to see a movie about 2 gay cowboys?...I would not even want to see a about 2 lesbians.!....and I'm a guy!
C5 - whats the matter with 2 gay cowboys that you dont want to go and see them on the big screen?

thought ur initial query was about butch lesbians now ur onto gay guys...... hmmmmm a pattern is developing me thinks..... by any chance do you have a problem with gay ppl?

Big Sloppy Gay kisses - Neathgirl xxxx
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neathgirl, that was a great answer, although men can do and mentally show the same emotions as a woman.I would suspect that lesbian stimulation comes from kissing(men do) hugging(men do) oral sex(men do) and in some cases with strap on's ive seen women do(and that really is confusing) men can obviously do that.

thanks for your answer

C5 - i think ur missing the point - the whole point is that lesbians are not sexually turned on by men therefore they will obviously choose to sleep with women. Nobody is saying that men cannot do the same things women can in terms of intimacy, such as hugging, kissing, oral sex etc. but the whole point is that lesbians do not wish to engage in these activities with men - OBVIOUSLY! Theres nothing wrong with men theres nothing bad about men in general its just that lesbians prefer women and would rather have sex with women because they get turned on by them.

ok here we go with strap-ons now - ill try and educate you - some women whether gay or str8 use gadgets of sum kinds - just cos ur lezza doesnt mean that u dont enjoy penetration but equally it doesnt mean u want a man attached to the gadget that u are using - with me so far? - so let me ask u this question - if u wanted penetration but didnt want a man attached what wud u use? ...... yep thats right a strap-on or an electrical gadget/gizmo of sorts! there u go i think thats a pretty str8 forward concept. Just cos ur gay doesnt mean u dont want the same things sexually as a straight woman the difference is gay women just dont want men attached to the gadgets!

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no pattern at all neathgirl...I work at a Medical center with Male and female nurses...yes alot of gay, who cares!...I just want to go to the source and get answers!

thanks you have been very helpful....

I am a lesbian and I play the dominant role in my relationship. I have been with a male but it has always been a woman I wanted. I am tom-boyish, wear men clothing, and when my hair was shorter been mistaking for a guy by some people. Im cute and still get approached by guys. just cause you a woman doesnt mean you don't want to be penetrated or like someone who is different. it is true that some lesbians prefer the male look alike to cover up to the outside world that it is a woman

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Women who are atracted to Male(looking) parteners?

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