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The little things that make you smile

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nicnicnic | 21:12 Wed 27th Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
When somebody holds open a door for me or pulls out my chair for me, I cant help but smile! What little things make you smile? No matter how small?


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The way my girls still do the wide-eyed look when they want something - like they always have, even though they are 30, 28, and 16!
When someone compliments me on my clothes, hair, shoes, etc....I make an effort to always look my best so when someone notices, it's nice!  Also, when my guests like my cooking!

i'm exactly the same with the opening of doors, i always smile and even if i was in a bad mood before it cheers me up and i dont know why lol

i also love it when a shop assistant or a person on the checkout genuinely means that 'hello'. and also when they make small talk, i just love friendly banter lol

Little signs of gratitude. A friend of mine sent me a card recently, just to say thanks for the pearl necklace I gave her for her birthday, which really cheered me up.
when I pass people I always smile at them but people very rarely smile back so when they do it makes my day
Anyone calling me "darling"/"sweetheart"/"love" makes me go all tingly!

i love to see old men and ladies walking and holding handsor arms ithink thats so sweet tosee (im just an old sopp)

Me too bel,   It warms my heart when I see an old couple holding hands walking along the street, aarrh! :-)

My husband likes to see old people like that too, because he always says, 'We'll be like that one day.'


I smile when I see baby puppies or kittens, or lambs skipping in the fields - or today when the swans had EIGHT cygnets with them! I haven't seen them with that many for a lot of years.

Anybody else smiling is one of the things that does it for me

when my disabled little boy puts his arms round my neck when i pick him up for a hug

and when my boyfriend wakes me up for a hug when he gets in from nights and i am sound asleep!

I take the same route to work every day along a back road, at Christmas I happily smiled and waved to 2 particular cars I meet every morning.  They now wave every morning and I naturally smile back and wave.

Reading all these answers has made me smile today.  Thanks folks!  :o)
We recently got a new car (4yrs old but the best we have had) and sitting in the front passenger seat with the windows up shutting out the traffic noise, music playing from the top quality C/D player and the air con full blast is still making me smile.   

when a complete stranger says hello to me when passing in the street.

when I get a text or phonecall from one of my siblings- I don't live in the same part of the country as any of them anymore. I'm now down in London, they're all still oop north in Manchester.

I had a few smiles when I had to buy a walking stick for somebody else.  While I was carrying it home, I couldn't believe how many people held doors open for me, stopped their cars for me to cross the street etc.
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A couple of weeks ago while on my way to work I have to go over a small bridge over a river, on the other side of the bridge I saw a mummy duck jumping down onto the road, closely followed by seven fluffy chicks, one little straggler then jumped down and landed on its back, the poor little thing struggled to get back on its feet then raced to catch up with the others.  All this going on with traffic queueing up behind me!  Now that did make me smile!

I'm so glad that no-one decided to overtake me or it would have been duck pate!

So even a 20stone garage mechanic can get soft in the head when that kind of thing occurs!

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