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Chemo update.

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kitty1950 | 13:23 Fri 17th Apr 2009 | Health & Fitness
10 Answers
Well the first visit went very well. I was there just over five hours as they were short staffed due to Easter holidays and staff days off. I got a bit tearful at first, probably a bit of nerves and tension but I was ok once I was told of what was going to happen. It was all quite painless so I was glad about that as I am not good with needles. Anyway I felt ok when I went home (hubby treat me to a chinese takeaway). Today I am still feeling fine apart from a bit tired and slightly headachey but not enough to take a paracetamol. Thanks to you all for your replies on my last posting, I decided to give stars to let you know that I have read your replies, in fact I tend to reread them at intervals as they cheer me up no end. Love Kath. XXX


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That's excellent news.
Well done kitty my love.
Question Author
Hi sqad, may I ask you if you have some medical background as you seem to be so very knowledgable about medical matters that crop up on this site. Hope you don't mind me asking but I am extremely nosy. :-D . Kath. X
That is good news Kitty, I hope you stay that way. Good luck to you.
LOL LOL...a surgeon kitty, but don't go a bundle on the "knowledgable" bit though. LOl LOL
:) heres a big smile for you xxxxx
So glad to hear you have your first session done they can be long visits i know, a big hug from me. Take care.

Mamya ♥

Good news Kitty.

Stay strong, you will get there xxx
Thanks for the update kitty. Glad it went ok and you don't feel too ill. I wish you all the best, for the rest of your treatment. Take care.x
Attitude is everything. The power of your mind to effect cures in your body is vastly underestimated. You will come out on top of this I just know it. Most importantly so should you! I have done some reading on the topic and some new developments. Take a look at Biothera and its founders page at

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