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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

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buttons | 16:30 Thu 01st Jul 2004 | Arts & Literature
1223 Answers
Now that JK Rowling has officially named her next book who do you think is the half-blood prince?? I initally thought it could possibly be something to do with Neville Longbottom, but have since remembered that both his parents were wizards therefore he is full blood. Anyone any suggestions as to who it could possibly be??


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Some say that the person is in the chamber of secrets and what if the prince isn't even human what if he is a house-elf for instance i think it could possibly be Dobby.       well it's just a guess.
you people who say there is no mention of malfoy's mother but there is in the 5th book she turns out to be sirius' cousin therefore being pureblood.
Of course I am sure that the new person is the half blood prince maybe its going to be a first year? A first year that is really interested in Harry?

prince dobby? prince godric? huuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sorry i havent been on he last past couple of weeks, went to chicago and strangely enough, couldnt get close to a computer (sadely enough i have to go back there again). Now back to my crazy Neville-lost-his-memory business what i meant was, maybe he was courageous at one point in his life, and that why he showing courage now (he's kinda "remembering" if you will how to be courageous), and one other reason why i think myself that he was put under a memory charm, why doesnt he remeber how his parent came to be insane? Sure Voldemort could have easily kidnapped them and taken to a secret base and tortured them but if they were totured at home why doesnt Neville tell anyone (well it could be because he felt embarrased like he said in the fifth book) or even remembers that such a thing has happend.

I myself believe that the Half Blood Prince is Godric Gryffindor.  There are severals reasons for this. 

(a) The first of these relates to the fact that Harry pulled a jewel encrusted sword out of the sorting hat in book two.  How many wizards have we met before with flaming great swords? Not many. And seeming as the school was set up over a thousand years before Harry etc turned up, a Prince is more likely to have been around in those times.

(b) The original title of  '...and the Chamber of Secrets' book was.... '... and The Half Blood Prince' (or so I have read a fair few times).

(c) Godric Gryffindor was the most prominent founder who stood against Slytherin when Slytherin wished to make the school more selective... i.e. only pure-bloods. Could this be because Gryffindor is not pure-blood himself?



  1. First I would love to point out to the Neville theorist that Neville does know what happened to his parents; second the books never said Neville was with his parents when they were tortured; and third that Neville would have been only 1 year old at the time and so could not have acted courageously at the time.
  2. Also, I love Neville theories: Such as Neville may be under some spell by his grandmother and/or Dumbledore to make Neville seem like a blunderer so as not to draw Voldemort's  attention to him. And the books may be showing how Neville's growing emotions are allowing him to break free of such a spell in order to become courageous and much better at spells, especially in the dark arts.

Things I assume will happen in the next book or two:
1. Godric Gryffindor story will be expanded to show the people of his time, possibly through a mirror, painting, and/or magic object like the pensieve.
2. Something about Sirius will have to happen, I wonder if there was ever a magic painting ever done of him that his mother could not get rid of and so stored it somewhere in Grimmauld Place; and Harry and the Weasleys will find it during the summer. Or discover a way to get Sirius back through that mirror he gave him or one like it. Or maybe Lord Voldemort will make Harry think he is talking to Sirius, but really it is him again.
3. Something about Hagrid's brother will have to happen. Maybe he will be on their side, and then begin to lead what is left of the giants after some more time for their extinction has transpired.
4. Snape hatred will become worse, especially if Harry is going into Auror level newt training and has to have potions lessons. Although, maybe Harry did not do well enough to study for newt classes to get to be an Auror--but since he suffered no one believing him for so long, the Ministry of Magic just let him go for it.

People who could be the Half Blood Prince:
1. Godric Gryffindor
2. Dumbledore when he was young--it could have been a nickname
3. Grawp--maybe a half prince blood
4. Hey did anyone think of Viktor Krum?
5. We have been decieved and it is either Harry, Voldemort, or not a real person dead or alive--maybe it is a nickname for some magical condition--Vampires come to mind.

lord voldermort


I thought of Neville too, at first. But then I came to the same conclusion as you and have decided on 3 victims:

  • Dean Thomas
  • Seamus Finnigan and
  • Remus Lupin

*Other possibilities include people we have not yet met(high chances) and Hagrid( he is a halfblood)but JKR has confirmed Hagrid is not the answer!

I have a question...if Harry is safe at aunt petunias house because of the blood connection thing, can't voldemort or one of his death eaters just kill petunia, so the connection is gone???
i think that the half blood prince may be seamus finnigan...or dean thomas...i can't remember which one is half would make sense though...they're in the same year as harry
it's just.. I think there isn't a rreason who made cllear dean or seamus is the half blood prince. But like I said, I think. And I think Neville is the best option altough I still think it's somebody who we would never think of. Which brings me back to dean or seamus, I realise..

It is fascinating about the connection Harry has through Petunia Dursley. In answer to Lillianmort, I have wondered the same thing.

Voldemort could initially have: Kill, or have killed by a loyal follower, Aunt Petunia to break the protection from Harry. But when Voldemort arose in book 4, he was then able to touch Harry due to using Harry's own blood to bring him back. Then Voldemort was going to kill Harry, but he kept trying to use the spell that Harry and he should have been protected from--the avada kedavra spell. Why does he try such a stupid thing? Why not just have used his hands to strangle him, or the knife to cut Harry's throat--afterall it worked on his arm? If he just did not want to get his hands dirty, he could have had his snake strike Harry and then eat him--or use some spell that would kill Harry, like conjuring a 1 ton rock ontop of him.

The only explanation would be that it would have cut the series a few books short of the original goal of 7. So no, there really is no logic behind it, and we are just giving ourselves headaches trying to solve questions that the author obviously did not think of while writing the book(s).

Here are more riddles for all you diehard fanatics: Where is Sirius's flying motorbike now? Does Harry inherit all of Sirius's possessions now that Sirius is considered dead? Will anyone ever tell Harry of his Potter relations and/or their history? Will the contract between Dumbledore and Petunia ever be told? With magical spells that can locate people and places--or even objects like the Marauders Map--has anyone thought to make Harry unplottable? Or have they just been letting all the bad people the ability to look up Harry's whereabouts whenever they want? If Harry's parents had to have a secret keeper, is Aunt Petunia possibly Harry's secret keeper without Harry even knowing it?

Dudley also has a bloodconnection with Harry or am I wrong??? I mean Harry has blood from his mother, dudley from his mother so they have a bond. And offcourse they're cousins.

That is very true that Dudley also has some of the blood that would help boost Harry's protection spell. But perhaps because Dudley only has half of his mother's blood in him it would not work as well as Petunia herself.

Though that does make me wonder about why Dudley just had to be with Harry in that dark alley way when the dementors attacked; maybe JK was wanting to prepare her readers that anyone, ANYONE, could be attacked and killed--especially when they are around Harry.

Dragon_Rose, I totally agree. Perhaps Dudley can protect Harry a little, only against small spells and small curses maybe???

This is hard because there could be two meanings.The first one is that he is a prince that is half-blooded and the other is that he is the prince of the half bloods. im not sure but im leaning more to the first idea.

I also wanted to ask, where in tOOtP it mentioned Mark Evans? someone said age 17 but i think they had the paper back copy or something because i have the hard back copy and it isnt mentioned on that page please reply back :).

o sorry i just said reply back, it didn't relieze it was this kind of board that has been going on for a while ill just check back later and also if anyone could post any hints on getting past the door on the jkrowling official site it would be much appreciated. i have 4 clues but it still doesnt work, some1 said something abot the FAQ's but i didnt find anything.

First of all, I wish you all a very happy Valentinesday with much cards, gifts and love offcourse!!

About the door at the JKRwebsite, the clues doesn't open the door. You have to wait for that. You can only open the door when there isn't a disturb-sign at the door. And as far I know, the're only 4 clues.

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